
coffee table revamp by wayfair

I got contacted by wayfair to take part in a fun upcycle challenge...
i chould choose a lamp, a bookshelf or a coffee table....and refashion it into something awesome!

and i chose the coffee table...
and I got a  $50 gift card from  gift cards.com 
to help in the revamping  
the before...
it's actually the perfect size..not too big..not too small...lots of storage...and easy to assemble!

so i get it all put together...and i'm totally not sure what direction i want to go....and for some reason...boy popped into my head. he is getting older and we have been slowly cleaning out his room of the little people and big blocks and the stuff that was not age appropriate anymore...and by doing so...we were left with quite a bit of space.....so i thought he could use this coffee table in his room...as a play area/seating/and storage. a threeforone!

ready to see the finished product?

remove the pillows and cushions and you have a play area...

I  started by recovering the canvas bins...

super easy..just lay out the fabric (1 1/2 yards) and cut out the corners..
then you wrap it up and hot glue the corners and at the bottom.
and the  bins come with a removable bottom...so i covered that in a bright yellow so it would be easier to find toys...

then they just slide in...

it also has a great second area for more storage....

for the top.. i wanted a padded cushion--somewhere to sit and read (okay..play the 3ds.)

the padding was like outrageously priced...like $30 a yard..WHAT!? even with my coupon $15 is still too much for my cheap body.
so i went to walmart and found this 4 pack for $7...much better...i split it so there was two on each side..side by side...(and i used duck canvas)
i measured the foam and made a covering for it...i even did piping...
(just some string in fabric)

then i ran to the dollar store and bought a no slip liner 

and stitched it to the corners of the back of the pad so it wouldn't slip off the top of the coffee table

now...for the actual coffee table...i sure thought about painting....but...i kinda wanted something not permanent in case we wanted to swap out as he got older....so i grabbed my vinyl and started hand cutting...

i made a little play area on one side...

and a tic tac toe on the other....
(i'm still going to make fun tic tac toe markers....just not sure the direction i want to go yet...

and added vinyl to decorated the legs....
plenty of space for fun....

you can just pull out the bins...set up your toys and play
i thought about covering the whole top in lego boards...thought it would be pretty fun!

then i added a bunch of fun pillows (how to was here)

i also want to buy two of these little seats for the front so he can sit and play...but i have to wait for an ikea to be built closer to me!!!

but for now..his spiderman chair will have to do.
 he loves it.....
she REALLY loves it..

thanks mucho to wayfair
(not sure if you have been over there...but they are fantastic...a zillion things home...

and if you want to see what everyone else did...there is a pinterest board devoted to just this challenge (go HERE)

and while i perused pinterest..i found some of these awesome ideas you can do with a coffee table!!!!







  1. I like it... I really like it! Thanks for giving me some inspiration! I still don't get the (white) string part where you are doing piping... because it was yellow... but that's o.k... I don't understand much sewing techniques anyways! And I LOVE the fabric that you used for the BOY pillows! AWESOME!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.