
boy pillows....

so i've got a fun upcycle for you tomorrow...but since i need my son to finish taking pictures...i thought i would show you the "boy" pillows i made for it....

BUT--before we begin...you need to go HERE and see the basic way i do pillows...with an opening in the back..cause boys are gross...and i know these pillows will need to be washed...and that just makes it soooo much easier!
first pillow is the bike....i took a needle and embroidery thread...
 i bought this pack with my joanns coupon for like $3.00..has almost every color....good investment!
i took one of my son's drawings (i was worried...this kid never wanted to draw...and it made me sad...but now i have to chop down trees to keep this kid in paper)

 then i just mimicked it...

i added a "manly ruffle" (no such thing as a manly ruffle is what my husband said)
but it's a box shape you get by folding the fabric
then you just sandwich in between your fabrics and sew around!
this star wars picture is not supposed to be there....
but i'm not going back to edit this photo...
(you should know better by now)

the superhero one...
i have so many scraps of superhero fabric.....and i like them all...but didnt' want 5 pillows...so i just cut strips and put them all together...
 i originally was going to do piping in between...but ran into some snaffus.
 so i scrapped them for just strips of red to break up the fabric

and same with the star wars one...

i had to piece it together more like a puzzle...but it wasn't too bad
the back is the leftover star wars fabric from the vest
(this is where this picture belongs!)

i want to do one more with a freezer paper stencil of yoda
but how many pillows is too many pillows?

come back tomorrow to see what these fun pillows sit on!!!!



  1. Oh my goodness, those are super cute!!! I LOVE the one of the bike that he drew. Totally adorable!!! Wish I had a drop of that creativity and ability to do that!!!

  2. I, personally, find that ruffle VERY manly. :)

  3. These look great! And you can never have too many cushions - I have 11 on my single bed alone! But then I cannot seem to stop making them!
    Have a great day!


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