
umm...more refashion stuff?

my last refashion...and i'm excited that i don't have to get ready anymore to take pictures of myself.

i think you should know by now the extreme hoarders-penny pincher mentality i have.

so when my husband tells me to clean out my closet....well, it's traumatic for me.

i have alot of clothes. and i wear about 1/4 of them. but some i like the idea of. some i love on the hanger but on my body..not so much...
this is the before...a yellow tank. nothing special...just a little too tight...
you might remember it from here:
it was so tight that i constantly was feeling like a cartoon character........ the one that is wearing his tuxedo top and it's too tight and keeps rolling up and hitting him in the face...

but it was my only yellow tank....and didn't want to chuck it...so i just added a panel in the back to make it bigger...

cut right up the back (this also will work for the front...and be a nice pop of color)

i had an old stained white shirt

so i just cut out a long strip that was about 4 inches wide...
then i just pinned it on (right sides together. I kept the bottom of the t-shirt when i cut the strip so i just matched the bottom up so didn't have to sew any extra there..
you can see the top is folded over when i got finished sewing both sides i went across the top and matched up the stitching with the existing stitching on the tank top.

and guess what..i love it. so comfortable!

and i took a ton of pictures to show it off....
and this is the only one i'm brave enough to show you. and i used picnik to airbrush my arms and add a tan.... i hate modeling...

next up....another tank..
this was worn..like...looked worn..cause i wore it. alot. worn.
and starting to get holes.

and the collar is elastic and stretched out...

so i took some of this:
(lace with a little bit of stretch works the best...)

and just pinned it all around the bottom...

and since the top was stretched out...i added a panel there too

(word to the wise....put on the tank AND then pin on the lace (or have someone help you)
us womans have...how should i eloquently put this....
(not so eloquent.)

and we want the lace to lay flat not puckered up...
so the best way to make sure it to have it on you or a dressform.
unless you are like me and have no chestus..than you are good to go.

but this same basic idea can work for tanks that are too short!
thanks for reading!

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  1. Cool !!!

    It´s a Great Idea... =)
    I Love your Blog.


  2. Girl, you are a GENIUS! I think you may have just saved a few of my favorite T's :)

  3. I love it! I have so many tanks that could use some sprucing up and some that have "shrunk". lol Thanks for this wonderful idea!

  4. Yes!!!! I have so many tees with holes where the threads have been pulled! I cannot wait to try these...definitely pinning! I have been repurposing everything in my house...I guess it's time to get started on my wardrobe.

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  5. I love it! Time to head into my closet. I have tons of tops I don't wear. I'm sure I can save a few now. Thanks!

  6. great idea! I need to do this with some of my shirts that are too tight! Love the lace too. Great job!

  7. I love this post because since I had my baby I ran out of clothes that actually fit. I was going to ask for a new wardrobe, but that can be very expensive. So instead I've been refashioning my old shirts slowly. I'm actually wearing one I did a few nights ago. I love to see other peoples ideas. I love the lace!

  8. What great ideas! You are a creative genius! I will for sure be trying the idea with the lace, I have a few shirts that plunge just a little too low. Thanks for the great post! http://www.craftrunwag.blogspot.com

  9. Cute. I think the white stripe down the back adds a cool design element too. :)

  10. If you airbrush yourself or add a tan to another photo of you, I might just have to beat you. You're gorgeous!!!! :)

  11. This is the most super helpful post THANK YOU! I have a lot of clothes and due to one thing or another (usually cookies or pizza) they're all a little too snug, so now I can help to let them out some and not need super fancy seamstress skills! Thanks!

  12. Ooh nice! I have shirts that could use both of these ideas!!

  13. Girl, you crack me up! I love your writing style - you literally make me "laugh out loud" :) Not to mention, you always have the best projects! I love stopping by to see what's new on your blog.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.