
and the winner is.....

April Showers said...
I follow your blog.
but do you want to know what else april showers said in her multiple entries?
"I love your blog...and I think I should win because I'm 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant. If I win, I might just name my baby after you! :) (ok, so that might be a little stretch, but I'll do anything to win some crap!)"
and i'm going to HOLD her to that~ another little kimbo running around! yippe!!!!
thanks everyone who entered!!!

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  1. Congratulations! 40 wks, 2 day! Yeah, she totally deserves this!

  2. Ok...so I didn't name my son after you. BUT to prove just how crazy busy it is to be a first time mom, I JUST read your email that I won!! I ended up delivering one week past my due date. and guess what? My son, Bentley Kimbo, will be 3 months old on the 5th! (ok, so I might be fibbing on the Kimbo as his 2nd name) I feel like a duphis for just now replying. You've probably found a new winner, if I promise to name my next child after you, can I get a conselation prize??


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.