
photo tips: a picture panel

(make sure you go over to the sidebar and follow me to profess your undying love for me.

she's catching up reallllll quick.

and while you are clicking crap....you should go here and vote for me so i can go to snap and meet awesome bloggers and take fun pictures and then come back and tell you all about it.)


so....it's snowing....and i'm really sick of hauling fabric out and ironing it and then laying it out than taking a picture and repeat and repeat and repeat...

so when i finished a roll of wrapping paper and had the empty roll sitting there...the wheels started to churn...

and this is what i came up with....an easy portable photo back drop!!!!

i had this huge long strip of white black out fabric from my daughter's curtains....

 i hot glued this all around the tube and rolled it onto the top of the fabric....(do it section by section so the glue doesn't cool before you have a chance to attach it to the fabric..
 and roll until the whole tube is covered...
 i bought this string at walmart for like $3...and i've used it in a hundred and one ways....
 i cut off a strip of rope and ran it through the tube...
 and tied a knot.....
 then i rolled the whole fabric up...
 push pin..(was that really necessary to write? probably not but i want to be as descriptive as possible)

 then i just find a blank wall by my big window and hang it up....

then you just pull out as needed....if it's tall like a lamp you could move the push pin up....
or if it's really long you can pull it out however long you want.
 then you just take your object...
and snap away......
(i haven't ironed it yet..don't judge.)

and you can make a bunch...or just hang this one and lay other fabric on top.......

take this yellow duck cloth...

and this cotton polka dot...
turns into this..
 pretty pink gauzy material...
and my fav..ruffle fabric...

sorry...i was running out of props!!!

and when you are done..

it rolls up nice and small

i love it and have used it about 4 times since i made it on sat.
(i also still use my photo boards....

and you can go here to read some photo tips!

i ran all those pictures through picnik (and no i won't link it up cause i'm mad at it.)
 if you have been living under a rock. picnik is closing. (april 19)

i'm distraught.

and i'm literally trying to anticipate any reason i need to use it in the future. so i can do it all now...

someawesomesauce person who deserves
 mentioned be funky

and it is quite similar..it's free...it's easy..it's not as good as picnik...the fonts are lacking. you can upgrade to get more features.......but it will save me in a pinch! i played around with it....

this is my little sister mallory...(and the gun target guy that she is dating) (this is the orginal picture)

(love this one..i can totally see a picture of my son done this way posed like a super hero for some art in his room!)

 you can still crop...add borders..stickers....text.
how do you edit your photos? i'm dying for a good alternative?!!!

oh...between naps on the porch did a post with a rundown of 9 photo editing programs..

go here to read about it!!! i'm trying one a day to see if any of them click with me!!!!!


  1. I was all excited to sign up for picnik when you did those posts about using it... now I am kinda bummed. I had a free trial of photoshop elements and I liked it but it expired. I even tried uninstalling it and re-installing it to make it work again but it outsmarted me.

  2. I use PhotoShop Elements. It isn't too much, esp if you get it at Costco or Amazon. For as much as you use it--it would be worth the money.

  3. I love the ease of picnik and I'm scared to try other sites and I don't want to spend a ton. You should do reviews of the ones you like. Help a picnik lovin' sister out :)

  4. I have used picasa forever and love it!!! Here is a recent post I did about all the upgrades...ps it's free :)

  5. Love the idea about the photo backgrounds - Thanks. My heart is sinking at Picasa closing. I am still getting the hang of it and the thought of learning another set of photo editing software makes my heart sink. Plus I can't afford the good software at the moment so my photos are going to look bleurrrgh :0(

  6. Here is a post about google's editting... all the same picnik features are there! http://crafterhours.blogspot.com/2012/01/leaping-from-hot-tub-to-polar-bear-swim.html
    It's along post, the part about picnik/google is at the bottom!

  7. I love picnik too. I am so angry they are closing! Jerks.

  8. Like the portable photo wall...great idea!!
    Love love love your shoes!!
    I have been playing with BeFunky as well...just not the same but it is going to have to do.

  9. I use Picasa which is good for simple editing (like cropping/brightening/etc) but doesn't really do any of the fun stuff like Picnik. However, I am kind of bricking it that picasa may also be about to close down! I know it was linked to picnik, but I can't find any info yet.

  10. What a great idea for the photo backgrounds...thanks for sharing! I'm also sad about picnik, I just started using it! I also wanted to let you know that I'm hosting my first giveaway, I'd love you to stop by my blog & enter to win a free My Memories digital scrapbooking software!

  11. I have sighed deeply about Picnik, too. *sigh*

  12. You beat me to the punch, again. I am planning on lamenting my picnik woes on Thursday... I've been trying out TONS of stuff, and nothing comes close. I used photobucket for a few things I just did, but the options for adding fonts and stickers and graphics are just not there. I have befunky on my iphone and like it for those pics... do you know if it has stickers or graphics you can use to create pictures? That's what I'm MOST ticked off about. I used picnik to make every graphic I ever needed - blog buttons, menu buttons, printables, EVERYTHING. I don't have photoshop or anything, so I'm at a loss. Phew. That was a long gripe...

  13. I LOVE the photo roll up thing :) TOTALLY making this!!

  14. Love the photo wall - LOVE LOVE LOVE those shoes!! :)
    I use Paint.net - it's free and has the same type features as Photo Shop. Did I mention it's free!?!?

  15. You could just bite the bullet and get photoshop elements.

    But you should definitely pop over and enter my B&W photo contest. Every Wednesday!


  16. I love the picture panel! I usually just drape a piece of fabric down from my ironing board but that doesn't always work. It likes to slide off and sometimes the piece of fabric I want to use isn't long enough to reach the floor from the ironing board. I will definitely be making myself one of these! Thanks for sharing.

  17. I love the portable backdrop idea. I've been proping up my back drops on a piece of cardboard.

    Thanks for posting!

  18. Photobucket.com works great for me! I'm a big fan, it's easy, normal people editing. When I'm really getting crazy I use Photoshop, but it's not free. Not at all free! Photobucket is good too because it gives all your photos a URL which can use to make things like picture links. Fancy fancy!

  19. I JUST joined Picnik and saw it's closing:( Anyway you should download Paint.net. It's a free quick download and wrks great, I've been using it for years! It has alot of cool tools. It's good enough for me, and alot of ppl have asked me "where did you edit your pics?" And I always tell them paint.net. It's great in my opinion.

  20. Picasa is awesome and free. Or for funkier edits, try http://www.lunapic.com/editor/. Also free!

  21. I too cried when picnik finished! Go to

    www.pixlr.com and use the express option! Its amazeballs!

    Love your stuff

  22. Oh thank you for posting this!!! I'm a just starting photography and was wondering how I could make cheap backgrounds. This is perfect!!

    Also I use photoscape for my photo editing right now. It's free and really easy to use.


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