
it has been brought to my attention.....

that mandy from sugar bee crafts is going to pass me up on followers.



i cannot (repeat cannot) let this happen...

here is my challenge....whoever has the LEAST followers by feb 1st  has to do a giveaway on the winner's blog.....

dear mandy,
the gauntlet has been thrown....

so make sure you go over and click the follow button so i can retain sanity. follow this crazy train.
you know you want to......


  1. Um, I'm following both of you. If you tie, do you both have to do it? =)

  2. I already follow you both! Good luck to each of you. :)

  3. You crack me up. If it were a real race, I'd tie her shoe laces together for ya...wait...I follow her too... crap. Maybe I'll tie YOUR shoe laces too... wait. That doesn't make sense. How about I just tie my own shoe laces together and save myself the trouble. Good luck. May the best schmoozer win!

  4. Ahhhhh! This seriously made me crack up...you guys are both awesome. Cant wait to see who wins :)

  5. You girls are too funny! Already following you both! ;)

  6. hey there .. wow.. awesome goodies.. ty for sharing. WOOT WOOT!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.