
diy your own canvas

apparently i forgot that the internet company was doing maintenance on the neighborhood yesterday and my Internet was out all day.

it was awesome.

my husband was home so I was all..."see, you think i'm always on the computer" (which i am except when it's not working) but he doesn't know that...cause as soon as i hear his truck in the driveway i blast the air with pledge and drop to the floor to pretend to mop it.

but that is all irrelevant....
(competition is over!!!!)
mandy is calling herself the underdog. (i mean she is like 17 behind me. not so much the underdog)
but we need to make sure she STAYS an "underdog" go follow me. it's vital to my health.
and yours.
if i don't win i might get depressed and never blog again.
and NOBODY wants that.

okay empty threats over....

this was a diy club guest post....

and in honesty one of my most favorite projects.
i love the outcome, and the colors...and i want to make some many more!!!!!

in high school, i was the art teachers T.A. (teacher's assistant)
(I spent a lot of time in my art room in high school...)

and one of my assignments was prepping the canvas by painting it with gesso.

and it sucked.
25 canvases...and they weren't small.

so when i saw that krylon had gesso spray SPRAY paint..i totally had to give it a try!

I took some white material (it was actually dark out curtain material left over from my daughter's room)

and spray painted it..

maybe i should of ironed?   naaaaaah.

then i took this awesome vinyl cut out from ten 23 designs

I painted a big black spot. laid the vinyl birds on top..and then took a little black paint and painted around the edges to help seal it in so no paints sneaks under!

(i acutally had it up on my wall...but it wasn't exactly what i wanted!)
so i used it as stencil instead...

i then went totally paint happy

my inpirations was this awesome picture from pinterest

i used loads of awesome paint by americana...on my very professional artist paint try (i.e. i can't believe it's not butter lid)

when i was happy with the behind...i peeled up my vinyl...
and then..since i wanted it to pop off the wall like a real canvas....

but lack the word working tools/talent to make a real frame for it...

i wrapped it around a large piece of styrofoam....
and gorilla glued it all around...

then gorilla glued on a disc hanger....
then i hung it up! and i totally love it!

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  1. I love it too. Green has always been my favorite color but I'm begining to love blue too.

  2. You both girls are so funny.. I follow you both.. Love the DIY bird canvas, great job at painting background.. :)

  3. Your art canvas is super bird-iful awesome!!! Love it and pinning it!

  4. On styrofoam! You're a genius!!! *slaps self in forehead*
    Now I know what I should use for my friend's nursery prints... I didn't want to make wooden frames.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! I love, love, love the colors! I would have never thought to use Styrofoam!


  6. Dude, that is the shizzle. I love it. Help a girl out-- what's gesso? I am art impaired.

  7. This is sooo wonderful - I love it! I've got to do something like this for my house! Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  8. I love it too!! You nailed the colors for sure!

  9. I love this!!! Very very clever!!! Could you use anything and spray it to give it the canvas texture?? Like would an old crib sheet work???

  10. i would probably stick with heavier fabrics...but i don't know for sure..you could try just a corner and see how it goes! good luck!

  11. I totally took this post and used it as fuel for my own post! :)


  12. Oh my gosh, it's so pretty! I love how the colors are blended, wish I had a clue about stuff like that.

  13. I'm dropping by as the guest judge on The CSI Project this week. I love how your project turned out. The colors are gorgeous. Amazing.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.