
solar systems

not to pull another oldie on you....but i've been working on something (it's a secret to be revealed on monday......) and so i didn't have time to get my post ready yet.

and it's friday and i'm going grocery shopping.

and then i'm going to see one for the money at the theatre...

so dear blog, i have simply no time for you.

 but instead of leaving you up a creek you get an old guest post.

(please leave any complaints in the complaint box that does not exist.)

(i say kinda cause i didn't try to replicate ACTUAL planets...)
this is made very similar to my giant cupcake (you can go here for a refresher) 
but i took some styrofoam balls in all sizes...

and I gave them a coat of magikote by americana (it basically is like a paint that seals the styrofoam)
(i didn't over them all..because i wanted some planets to be porous!)

I also took the magikote and dripped it over some planets for dimension!

I then took some krylon spray paint and paint from americana and gave them all some pretty color!

then i found some glowz paint by krylon and i gave all those little planets a nice coat...

I did the same treatment to an embroidery hoop!
then i added a little one inside the big one (using clear string)

I THEN found some glow in the dark stars (i've been "winter" cleaning so i keep finding all these "treasures")

I took two stars the same size and hot glued them together with the string in between...
then i just hung them to my hoops...

i ran a needle with  the clear string through the planets and added a little hot glue to the ends to keep the string from slipping all the way through.
i made sure to spread the planets evenly around the hoops so it didn't lean to one side...

you could get real creative and add some starwars battle ships in there....but for now...it works!  and it glows so awesome at night! perfect night light!

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  1. that solar system is actually really cute and creative.

  2. Oooh I go to see One for the money today. I LOVE the books. I'd be interested in what you think. Have a great weekend!

  3. My daughter is leaving for the navy tommorrow and my 9 year old finally gets his room for the first time ever (he has always shared with his brother-not fun) Anyway, he is one who is scared of almost anything at night so I have been brainstorming how to help this transition. These planets are perfect because I have been planning to make a "solar system" that glows in the dark in his room, but have avoided it because being accurate would require too much right now. So with your great idea, I'm going to make up my own "space" and planets to decorate his room, this with his new lava lamp should help.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.