
garbages and krylon

so. i'm trying to clean out my inbox. i have about 90 drafts and it's a bit overwhelming. i start post i already have started and i forget to post things and they sit there for weeks. (poor lonely posts) so i'm weeding out some guest posts i have done! this one was for  diy club!

so, i occasionally do some work at a kids dentist office here in town. 

and i was sprucing up the bathrooms...just a little touch up of paint.

and thought that the garbages need a little sprucing up as well...

so i took loads of krylon spray paint...
and got to it... (oh...look at that green grass. come back green grass!)
for the lids i used my cricut and some contact paper and made a stencil....

and used painter's tape for the rest....
lots...and lots of painter's tape....(i would put on one..spray paint...add another layer..spray with a different color...and repeated!)
they are so fun!

this is the boy bathroom

and the girls (didn't realize i didn't get a wide shot of it!...but it's the toothfairy's dressing room)

(this is before i touched it up! it's now a shade darker!)
i think i always have a scowl on my face.

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  1. so CUTE! I have a ton of drafts in my box as well..gotta start getting rid of them. I really like the idea of sprucing up TRASH CANS! Great idea!

  2. I bet the kiddo at the dentist office loves their restrooms.


  3. How cute!! That would be great for a kids bathroom at home too just to add a pop :)

  4. What a fantastic idea!! Now I think I will spruce up my ugly eye sore of a trash can! Thanks!

  5. I love your blog. I just came across it a few days ago. I have been reading every update since. I really really do love all of your ideas and crafts. LOVE!!!

    My only problem and I just thought you might want to know this is that it is really slow to load. With two kids a messy house and my own list of craft projects, it is hard to have patients when a site loads slow.

    Please don't take that wrong, your site is beautiful, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your content. I just thought you would want to know.

    Keep blogging, We will keep reading and crafting.

  6. Okay those bathrooms are the SHIZZLE!

    p.s. your site isn't slow to load.

    Someone might need a better internet connection.

  7. wow! That's so awesome! I think any kid would love that! P.S. I've missed checking out your blog.

  8. WOW......those bathrooms are SUPER Awesome!!! Very Cool!

    Love the garbage can idea.

  9. Oh my gosh... everything is awesome!!
    Love the bathrooms!

  10. I love this! I want to do it for garbage & recycle cans. ^^

  11. Hey there! Just wanted to let you know we featured you in our Favorite Find Fridays post over at Whimsically Homemade. We used one of your pictures and linked back to you. If that's a problem let us know and we'll remove it immediately. Thanks for your great inspiration!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.