
one of those random posts....

First things first: i'm HERE at the expressions vinyl blog showing off my sister's laptop skin made with patterned vinyl

they are also giving away a silhouette cameo....so go enter!

and remember...they have great vinyl (cheap) and loads of fun colors!)


i'm going back to school...

to crochet school. not sure if you remember my first crochet endeavour

it was a mess. not even a hot mess.
I figured i gotta give it another go.  my husband has 4 basketball games this week and i've decided i have to learn a craft i can do when i go. (it's the multitasker in me) (and also because watching 35 year olds acting like they are 18 drives me bonkos.)

SO this time. i'm actually paying attention and doing what i should.
(i bought big beautiful yarn that i don't want to ruin)
and she's fantastic
and i'm totally learning a ton!

(thanks to ucreate for motivating me!)
so go learn along!


I wanted to talk about these little buttons on my sidebar

first: the plus:
i love bloglovin. it's my google reader. i find google reader confusing and overwhelming. and i love bloglovin cause it will take you directly to the blog. i'm a visual person and i love seeing peoples headers and sidebars and just the feeling of their blog layout. (and lets face it....we spend a lot of time (and money) to make ourselves purty...we want people to see it!!!)

it just gives you a little snippet of the post

and i can just go through and click 'mark as read' on the ones i want to skip

I just wanted to share in case you aren't into  google reader like i am
(i should mention that i added a bunch of blogs into google reader and then forgot about google reader and then when i went back i had like 500 missed posts....so that might be the reason for the overwhelmed feeling)

I'm also on twitter.....

and facebook....

and i share a lot of fun stuff over there...cool giveaways i happen on and sneak peaks into what i'm working on....and fun contests that are going on right now...


 it's awesome. go vote!
the voting is over..but go check out the clever crap people come up with!!!!

and i'm also on pinterest....but you should know that cause i mention it on almost every blog post..

and i'm less than 200 away from reaching my fake new years resolutions! so excited!


are you going to snap?

well...if you want to go..you can try to win a ticket!!! (go here!)

i haven't bought a ticket yet cause we are going to disneyland..but we just planned the dates and it's a whole month before snap....
so now i want a ticket.

and i want it bad.

and so do you.
(pretend there is something swinging in front of your eyes)
you want to come to snap
you want to come hang out with me
you want to...nod your head.

go buy your ticket and come rub shoulders with the who's who of blog coolness.
(i was NOT referring to myself)
ticket prices go up after tomorrow!!!! so don't be slacker like me!


i organized my fabric.

and i only tell you this so you will pat me on the back.

cause i told husband and he said something along the lines of...it's about time and then a murmur of i wouldn't have to organize it if i stopped buying so much darn crap.

i mean the support he gives me. i'm going to start calling him wonderbra.
(dripping with sarcasm)


the end



  1. Hi Kimbo - relatively new reader - OVE the blog! Just as an FYI - there is a way to set up Google Reader with a button (Reader Next)in your toolbar so you are taken to each individual website and see blog posts as they are intended. You don't even have to go to google reader unless you want to to add/delete subscriptions. Sounds like you're happy with bloglovin' but thought I'd let you know in case you ever change... Have a great day!

  2. HAHAHAHAHA. you are really funny. good for you organizing that fabric. i love that you store it in a bookshelf. it's easy to see and easy to get too. i have mine in clear tubs and it's a pain in the neck to need the one all the way on the bottom of the stack. a bookshelf is way better. high five

  3. Haaaaahaha. "Be a true stalker." That made my afternoon.

  4. Hi!! Can't wait to see your crocheted creations! I taught myself last year to do some flowers, but then I lost my mojo! Good luck!

  5. Thanks so much for doing a shout out for my competition on my blog! You are the best!!! xoxo

    P.S. Huge pat on the back for organizing your fabric! I totally need to do that!! :)

  6. Aww! I wanna learn to crochet too!! Sniff!
    Especially with baseball season coming up.

  7. Your stash looks SUPER!

    And yeah, there's quite a lot of it but you just wait untill the the yarn stashing for your crochet projects starts; your husband Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!! Maybe you allready know the phrase “SABLE” = “Stash Above and Beyond Life Expectancy”? Good luck! (that's to your husband ;->)

  8. The word on blogging streets is that some blogs aren't gonna show up on google reader starting Feb 1. I don't know the whole situation, but I'm freakin out!

    I wonder if blog lovin will be a good replacement....

  9. Well I'm a new stalker. LOL. Where ever I could that is. I love your blog.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.