

so i got another cute bubble skirt from one of my sponsors stitch to stitch...

it came with a cute black bow (it's removable..which i removed cause it didn't match the shirt i got to go with it)
(the shirt ACTUALLY matches the skirt...but the editing i did on picnik makes it look like it doesn't)

it's made from some soft corduroy....
and the lining is this beautiful satin silvery...
it's so pretty...my daughter said she is going to try to wear it wrong side out!

 you can go here to see the other cute dress i got...

go check it out!!!!

i woke up this morning to find 5 bffs that posted some news on my facebook.

let's have a moment of silence.

it won't close until april 19th.
but until then you get to use all the premium stuff for free.

but still.

you can go here to read (and then you can come back here to vent)

google sucks.

the end.


  1. Watch out saying it sucks. Google owns blogger and you don't want to make the wanna-be almighty upset. They might just put you on the bad blogger list and take away AGAAGG for a day or so until they can "figure out what's going on." PS- I love the skirt, but the dress is my fave. Also, how is it that as soon as I found out that it was shutting down I automatically thought of you? :(

  2. I discovered this last night and I'm pretty pissed myself and also thought of you. Grrr!

  3. Finally found something crafty that amuses my 9 DD when I need the house to stay clean and it's gone. Apparently features will be available in google plus, tried signing up but they basically force you to add alsorts of randoms which I don't because I like to upload pics of my kids. On top of that it's very confusing but I will persist if they offer a photo editing program similar becaue I suck at photoshop!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. the cutest skirt!!!
    Thank you for sharing the bad news about Picnik... I had no idea :(
    Let's try to stay positive and hope that something even better and easier (and still free!!)will be available soon to replace our beloved Picnik.
    Yes, Google sucks!!! (I don't have a blog so I can say it for everyone out there who feels the same ;D )

  6. I sure do love that skirt!! And your model is gorgeous!!
    I know they are closing and it sucks!!!!!!!
    Just saying


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.