
cute tiered skirt that only took me two years to do...

so i bought this fabric it was for $3 and then 50% off red tag at joanns. so i got it for $1.50. two.years.ago. i thought it would be so cute as a skirt (and wasn't I right?)  a year later...i bought more (unintentionally...i forgot about the first yard i bought)  then about 6 months ago i found a cream of it....so i bought a yard of that...

and can you guess what i made? a skirt (two actually)
my girls got them for christmas.
and can you guess when i made them?
christmas eve is about accurate.

the big girl skirt is made of 5 layers..9 inches high.  (i cut 6 and used the last one for the bows)

I took a rectangle piece of black fabric and hemmed the bottom..(I think about a half yard and i didn't trim it at all..so half yard by 44 inches.

then i folded each strip of polka dot material in half...ran a loose stitch ....

gathered it up until it fit across the rectangle
then i pinned it on and sewed....
(does this sound familiar? i used this same technique when i made these fancy pancy aprons)

just keep swimming....layering it goes pretty quick..the larger size skirt only has 5 layers and this guazy material really ruffles fast.

so i get here...with all 5 ruffles sewed on..and i have no black elastic (joanns was sold out)
so i did what i did best (no i didn't hot glue it) i pulled a tim gunn and made it work.

i had about 4-5 inches left along the top...so hemmed the very top and folded it down and covered up the seam of the last stitching.
I sewed it right alond the bottom...

then i took some boring old thin white elastic, added a safety pin and threaded it through...

then i just sewed the two sides together so it only has one seam in the back...

then,  i added some giant flowers (cause i had that last layer left) (tutorial for the big flower is HERE) i added them with pins cause i wasn't sure daughter number 1 would love them..(she does)

okay baby's skirt (who is turning 4 and i can't really call her that anymore)

I made the same basic way..smaller layers and more of a ruffle so it's a bit fluffier...
I literally got this far and thought, "this is cute, i could just do a black skirt with one ruffle"

I did happen to have black elastic for her...

sewed it right on top....

and right sides together sew up the back seam (make sure each ruffle is laying down where it should be)
i don't know about you...but ruffles make me happy....

i love that they match...but are not the same!!!

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  1. Can I just say you have the most beautiful kids? I love the skirt idea and they look adorable in their coordinating outfits!

  2. Adorable. Thanks for sharing. (And yeah, I have a pile of fabric too with projects that have been in the planning for a couple years...)

  3. VERY cute! The skirts and the kids. :)

  4. So cool skirts! I would totally wear them. Okay, not to work, but a night out :)

  5. Those are adorable! I agree... ruffles are the best!!!

  6. Super cute! Love the fabric, too!!

  7. Super duper cute. I need to go get some gauzy material now...
    Can you explain to me why the heck I am having trouble sewing on elastic as you did for skirt #2 lately??? The past few times I've tried it, I've stretched the heck out of the elastic and then the waistband is too big. I thought you were supposed to stretch the elastic as you sewed... Anyhoo... Very cute job!

  8. Really cute skirts. I wish I had a girl to sew for. I may steal this in pink for my niece though! The instructions are clear enough so that even my limited skills could do it!

  9. Sooo stinkin cute!!! Sometimes thought I read your blog and kick myself for never learning to sew!! I want to soooo bad!! And it's things like this that make me want it more! Great job!! Did I say how stinkin cute this is??? Oh, yeah, I guess I did, but it is just so STINKIN CUTE!!!

  10. Those turned out SO cute! We have five kids - The oldest (20 & 17) are "the kids" and the youngest (12, 11 & 9) are "the babies". Don't feel bad about calling your youngest the baby! :)

  11. What can I say? Hats off to you! Those skirts are fabulous!!
    Love them both...I want one with flowers too!

  12. oh my gosh i can't thank you enough for posting this- seriously the cutest thing ever! i'm SO into ruffles and i can't wait to make this for my daughter. Already pinned now for fabric shopping.

  13. i'm curious to know where you got the elastic?

  14. the big thick stuff is found at joanns (when they aren't sold out) but they have really fun colors (and some with polka dots at ruffle fabric.com

  15. SO very cute! I would LOVE to make a few for my nieces for Christmas!


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