
once there was a snowman

made of deliciousness....(and glue. lots and lots of glue)

remember the turkey?

this is another "homework" assignment for my kindergartner....

and he wanted to do food.....
 we traced the circles from cups and then got glue happy (made the colors of the m&m's run a little)

 i think more got eaten then glued....we wanted stick pretzels for the arms but had to settle for fettuccine noodles
 and then someone smelled the candy and had to get in on the action
(and she dresses herself and it was a cold day and she's wearing a tank top...)
 the final result?

and here's the littles one:


  1. Super cute...and a little Elmer's glue never hurt anyone, right?

  2. I logged on and just had to laugh because my blog post from yesterday had the same title! http://mels-beautiful-life.blogspot.com/2012/01/once-there-was-snowman.html

    And I am not surprised at all that your baby ate the art- it's exactly what my kids would do!


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