
the middles.

i just got a hankering from some oreos.

I use a lot of different things to cover up the middles..(cause usually i have a hot glue mess in the middle...

like felt:

and rosettes....

LOTS buttons....

this one is a brad....

old brooches...


clip on earrings....or old costume jewelry (which i have none..but they would be great for this)

but sometimes...i don't have exactly what i'm looking for....so i make my own....

I just cut out some cardboard

and cover it with fabric...

or you could make a puffy one...
same basic idea..

but you leave one side unglued and stuff it with any extra fabric laying around.

or you can make REALLy puffy ones....

(these all started out as the same size cardboard round)
when making puffy ones..just make sure you have plenty of fabric to go over all the stuffing!
p.s. when you using silky material...it will show the lumps of padding..so you might need an extra layer over to smooth it out.

I've got 3 great hair crap giveaways going on right now...
to enter you can go HERE
and even HERE!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so amazed with your creativity and especially your frugality. Cardboard for centers...who would have thunk? Oh yeah, you. Thanks for sharing all your wonderfulness!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.