
giveaway (with a cause!)

i don't watch the news.
i hate it.
i get overcome with sadness when it's full of bad news and calamities and things like that.
and then i got an email from Monica

telling me all about charity:water.

and the sadness hit again!
and i thought,
come on kim..you can help!!!!

from Monica explaining a little about it:
Why I love charity: water
Water is one thing that everyone needs. Living in a society where its so readily attainable, we often take it for granted. Its apalling for me to think that a billion people are drinking water that will make them sick or even kill them.

Four years ago, when I first heard about charity: water I knew I had to get involved to help them make a difference. I worked within my church and workplace to get the word out about the cause and in 2009 I gave up my birthday as a part of the September Campaign. In the past five years charity: water has helped over  2 million people get access to safe water. But this year, they want to accelerate their impact by purchasing a new drilling rig and the equipment it takes to dig even more wells for villages in need.
(drilling rig)

 This means that they can reach the goal of giving access to 100% of Northern Ethiopia four years faster! Its still going to take time, but each well dug and each drill purchased means more people are drinking clean fresh water that won't make them sick. When I heard about the goal of this year's campaign, I knew I had to help. So I decided to give up my birthday again, but this time I wanted to do a bigger campaign, so we started with my birthday in August and we're going through Thanksgiving spreading the word about the water crisis and making bows to sell to donate more money to the campaign.

yeah..she gives up her birthday and asks for donations instead!
and she's also coming up with clever ways to raise money....like selling unwanted things on craigslist)
you can go to her blog and keep up with her doings.

monica has offered to give away these cute Mommy and Me Autumn Rose Bunch Hair accessories
(available with either a headband or hairclip!) to help get her cause out there!
aren't they pretty? they scream fall!

all you have to do to enter is leave me a comment.
that's it!
 (only open to us residents!)
(as always..tweet, facebook, or blog for extra entries)
one comment for each please!!!!

ALSO, she has an etsy shop where she is selling hair crap...and all proceeds go to charity:water
you can check it out HERE

or, if you want to make just a money donation you can go here!
(she is 60% to her goal! let's help her move it along! every little something something helps!)

to read more about charity water you can go here

and because i want to help i'm going to be adding some hair crap to my etsy shop! and all proceeds will go to monica's donation page!


  1. this is wonderful! good to think about how lucky we really are. loooove them too : )

  2. Great Charity, and beautiful hair products!

  3. I loooooove these... and I love that its for a good cause..

  4. What a great cause! :) Love the bows too.

  5. What a great cause and how inspiring!! It's amazing that she would give up her birthday for this!! I mean it doesn't matter how old you are, everyone LOVES their birthday!! Super cute hair products too!!

  6. what fun! cant wait to try your ideas - or maybe i'll just buy them since all your stuff is so amazing!

  7. I think this charity is the best.....the number one thing that everyone needs...water!

  8. What a great giveaway for a great cause!!

  9. great charity - and I love the flowers!!


  10. There is no such thing as too many fabric flowers, and this is a great cause too!

  11. Beautiful Flowers! And I have been involved with Charity Water--what a great cause!

  12. these are totally cute!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  13. I facebooked about your giveaway

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com


  14. http://twitter.com/#!/jrwarfield/status/121202299921121280

    i tweeted about your giveaway

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.