
downeast knockoff...the big bloom.

i made these inspired by one of downeasts
and i got lazy...and didn't add as many layers around.
it's how i roll.

I took this gray gauzy material...

i doubled it over and cut a wave at the top.
i rolled the middle a little..then started gathering it with hot glue...and glued it around the rolled base...

the tighter the gathers...the fuller and bigger it will be...
this kid has soooo much hair.

i made these two from this satin chiffony material...

then i got remembered how i bought a ton of this non fray nylon stuff (for a pettiskirt...or something fabulous that never got made) p.s...it's awesome and cheap and i shall by yards in each color) and so i cut some strips of that making the ends all different shapes.
you really can make a ton of different versions..big, small. fat, skinny....
made the same basic way..hot glue...
then i just gathered it up as a i glued it around the base...
up close you can see the different cutting of the ends...(the brown is folded over)
i added all the pink ones to make one giant one..

this is her "new" smile...she sucks in her top lip so it's like hello front teeth.
we might have gotten in a fight while trying to get a good picture.

and you can either attach a headband...
(ur..it's actually the bottom of my pj pants i trimmed off...) but it's stretchy and awesome and adjustable.
or just an aligator clip

sorry..this red is impossible to get a good picture of!


  1. I think I have the perfect material for this!! I love all of these flowers. Can't wait to finish this one project so I can start making tons of flowers. Thank you so much!!

  2. I love this idea! So beautiful and so simple! Can't wait to try it :)

  3. Beautiful flowers!

  4. Love the big fluffy flowers! Could you do a post on how you did her hair? I'd love to create that same look for myself :)

  5. LOVE this! Thanks for the idea!


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