
rolled (and fat) rosettes!

i did a little video tutorial for you....cause sometimes it's easier to see it first hand...
and don't mind the focus on my chestal area...i have allergies and my eyes are like will smith in hitch...you know what i'm talking about...

i love rosettes. anytime i have any spare fabric i whip some up and keep them in my basket...and then when i'm crafting something..and it needs a little something something...i just grab a rosette!
i slap some on my clothes

and even boxes

and what i love about them..is one simple method can produce lots of results....

just depends on the size of the fabric and the tightness of the rolls....

i really like doing the loose..lightly twisted one.

 or you can do the bend and snap...(without the snap) you just go around bending it around the middle...

and a new one i made up.....
take a strip of fabric...

put some stuffing or fleece or extra fabric down the middle...
and hot glue the sides around it...

then wrap and roll like a regular rosette...

okay we are done...for the moment...sorry. little bit rosette crazy.

have you entered the headband giveaway!?


  1. Love the rosettes and the tutorial!! Thanks

  2. Thank you so much for the how-to! I am going to be making some very soon! Love the variety that you created--great fabric pieces!

  3. Thanks, I've been wondering how to make those! Now I can try!

  4. Love your accent and the tute! Yay for rosettes!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.