
a fabric lesson...and yes..it's a hair crap post...

 this is the pretty little hair bow that my daughter wore with her baptism dress

but what i love about it is the fray...
oh wait..what?

oh not that fray...
this fray...

fraying the edges is super easy...once you know about fabric....first..i picked this great fabric that you can see the threads in it...
fabric has a thread count....(that means how many threads are in one square inch) like when you buy sheets and you want the higher thread count cause it's so soft...cause there are so many threads shoved in there.)
 (oh..forgot my disclaimer....i might be making this up.. i learned it in my sewing class in college...but that was many moons ago and i have "mom" brain..so feel free to correct any errors i may make)

fabric has threads going up and down (called warp and weft if you want to get technical)

(and just for extra info..bias is across this)

when you cut your fabric..it has edges that fray....Even when you try to cut it super straight...you will still end up with these:
which means is wasn't that straight....(that is why you rip it...it usually rips right along a thread keeping it pretty straight)

anyways..once you get the frays....you just start pulling. one by one is the easiest way to go..pull too many and they will get tangled. (love that movie)

pull...pull pulll pullllpullllpulllll. your fray will get longer and longer and longer.
i only pulled to a certain point so you could see what i'm talking about...

this is the pile of strings leftover from my fraying...
once i got my edges all down i moved onto the making of the hair crap!
loose stitch across the bottom

pull it to ruffle it

it will naturally start to curl up....so i just hot glued it where it laid.

you know i had to do this....

class with ms. west is dismissed.

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