
light fixture

you know...for the record. i DO have a son.
and I promise I will make a boy craft..um...sooner than later.
but I'm hacking away at my daughter's room so there is bound to be LOTS more pink before we get some blue.

today i'm making her light fixture purty.

I orginally wanted to get a chandelier in her room......but  something came to pass that i like better (for cheaper)
so I kept her original light fixture...which is so ugly. and not classy.
(i would rather have a boob light.)

ignore the strings and push pins (you'll see later what they are...and when I say later I mean NEXT week!)

used my scal (holy. loving it more everytime I get on it.

I just used a diamond shape

then I took the light fixture off..and washed it..and got all the gross dead bugs out of it.....

then I took my pink vinyl (from expressions vinyl)


and ATTEMPTED to put it on.
but the light fixture is curved...and let's just face it.
it was a fail.

lucky for me...i had all the negative space....the diamonds.
so i stuck some transfer paper on them

stuck it to my light fixture and peeled it off.

I cut the scallops from around the edge and added it around the light fixture

(remember to keep those circles.....for something!)


  1. wow! I am always amazed at how creative you are! This looks gorgeous!

  2. It cracks me up that you said boob light. I thought Sweet Hubby was the only one that called them that...aren't they awful?!?

    I love what you did with that little girl's fixture though...so cute and creative! If only I could figure out to prettify the hideous fixtures in my house. Sigh.

  3. this looks really good well done!

    shel xx

  4. That really is pretty! And I think I like it better than the original attempt! :) Very clever!

  5. SO stinkin cute!!! I would have never thought of this!! My girl has a ceiling fan....but I'm thinking the blades are just waiting for something cool : ) YAY! Thanks for the awesome inspiration!!

    AND...thank you for letting me in your etsy circle!! : )

    Beautiful Honor

  6. That is a really good idea! :) Can't wait to see her room!

  7. I absolutely love it! That is such a creative idea!

  8. Hahaha! Where did you get the term "boob light"? My fiancee and I call the lights at Olive Garden boob lights. ;)

    Super cute what you did to your daughter's light fixture!

  9. That's a very clever idea! Looks fabulous.

    I just updated the same style of light fixture. Great minds think alike :)

  10. So pretty! Your glue-gun-less project worked out quite well, I should say. And I'm incredibly glad you messed up at first or else it may not have turned out at lovely!

  11. That is a great idea! I wish I would have had the tools I have now back when I was a lot younger and living with my parents! I had the same kind of shade in my bedroom. Oh, the fun I could have had with a cricut and vinyl back then!

  12. fabulous idea!! updating light fixtures is SOOO expensive! I absolutely love the update!! Very cool! I would love to have you share this at our link party going on now!

  13. That is really cool! Love the positive/negative space of the light!

  14. That's a good idea. I agree, those lights fixtures aren't very attractive, but you made it look great!


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