
the deck (but i keep calling it my porch)

I am a dare blogger at the diy club.

and i can't really remember if i told you what that entails...
basically loads of free products.
awesome stuff that i was buying anyways.
like krylon
and americana paint......

and then i get to craft something with it.

basically a win win win.
and a win
and another win

and maybe two more.

here's my june project:

you can go see my porch redo HERE

my fav thing about it?

okay...see that white/gray building? (that's the inlaws.)

and see that blue house in the background...
that is my neighbor who blogs HERE


  1. Love the pinecone garland! My daughter who's four, was just asking me for a craft we could do with pinecones. Nice:)

  2. The pine cone garland is so neat! And making the pillows from tablecloths... Genius. Yep I said it.. genius. ;)

  3. The pinecone garland is so fun!

  4. The pinecone garland is a great idea!

  5. Your porch looks awesome. I might have to make some pom pom garland for mine. I need something out there, it's pretty bare right now.

  6. I am so excited that I can see my house on your blog! I am famous now! I love your porch too! I was wondering what I could see hanging across your swing! I love it! cute idea!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.