
sunday shout outs

bunch of bees

this cute little etsy shop is so awesome. love the bright pop of colors! super talented bunch of bees!

the idea room
love the idea room..and these pop coasters are just another reason to blog stalk her.

love. no other words. doily. crochet hoops. wall. love.

and silverlily is darn good at it...

so cute...and it looks so easy. like i could do it easy.

you know my issues with paper towels. this chick made cloth napkins.....and then made these adorable napkin rings to know whos is who!

my kids would love this. we play a lot of alphabet games (mostly find something that starts with c.) but this would be such a  HIT!

these little flowers just add so much! i very much might be knocking these off.

love her scrap stash party...i have a few favorites....okay. a lot favorites.

this chick is 14. holla. which i had my act together when i was 14..or heck 24.

you know i'm kinda sort obsessed with rainbows!

what  a neat idea for a coffee table and chairs. i want one!

love this dress. and what a cute pregnant gal!

feel free to grab my butt


kimbo's crafts 


  1. Thank you so much for featuring Bunch of Bees :)))
    You rock!

  2. Thanks for the feature girlfriend!

  3. Thank you so much for featuring the "pop coasters"! I really appreciate it. I happen to be one of your blog stalkers too!! :) Thanks Kimbo!

  4. oh thank you thank you thank you for featuring my wallflowers! Totally made my day! I'm a-grabbin yo butt......


  5. Thanks for featuring www.feathersfrommynest.com !!!! Love your blog!

  6. i've been blog stalking you for over an hour :) loveeeee your blog!!

  7. I have spent lots of time on this blog, it's so creative and inspirational. I am one of your new followers ! Greetings from Belgium, rozemie

  8. Wow!! thanks a million for featuring the yardstick crates! gotta love 'em :) tons of great ideas...love love love the doily hoops!

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my alphabet mat! Have a great day!!


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