
hot rocks.

This was one of my summer of fun cards from last year

and it was eighteen 25 great idea...(one of many~)

I ran up to my mom's house last week while my sister was in town to help her with her ispy quilt...

and I thought the kids needed a little entertaining so we could get some squares sewn...

you basically take rocks (which are free)

and bake them in your oven (also free) until HOT.
and then draw on them with crayons (and who doesn't have crayons.?)
it's one of those great crafts that you almost always have all the supplies on hand

the rocks are hot. handle with care. (we pulled out an ice pack in case someone accidentally touched the rocks)
and the wax will get on whatever you have underneath it...so make sure rags are used.
and it involves some EXTREME concentration....
but it's pretty freakin cool. my kids got in a fight if it was paint or crayons.....(cause whats an activity without a little sibling love)

and in truth...it's actually a little bit of both!
and it dries all awesome.

we might have gone hot rocks crazy......
i told the kids we need to throw them in the driveway and then have a scavengar hunt for them...

i bet we could sew the whole quilt before they find them all! (insert evil laugh)


  1. wow! These are amazing! What a great idea! I will def be trying this one! Thanks for sharing!

    Visiting from http://sassysippycupsandstickysarcasm.blogspot.com/

  2. Oh my - these look awesome! I think we'll try these out this afternoon. Fun!

  3. How fun! Sounds like a good rainy day craft =)

  4. Oh you guys are ahead on your ispy quilt I see. I'm on vacation and hope when I get home my squares have arrived. I'm so excited to see them!

  5. Love the idea. How do you think it would turn out if you cooked the rocks post-coloring rather an preheating? Would they still end up with the cool runny effect?

  6. if you try it...let me know!!!!!

  7. I really want to try this with my son. It looks like so much fun!

  8. erm... d'you think I get away with quietly enjoying this craft without telling the kids about it? Looks like something I'll LOVE to do!

  9. Hey Kimbo! I am featuring you and your wonderful crayon idea on my blog today!

    Feel free to come by and check it out.

    Thanks for such a great idea!

  10. What a cool idea! I think my kids are a bit young for this (I don't think they would be able to do it without touching the rock) but I will remember it for the future. Thanks for sharing!

  11. LOL love that the kids got in a fight over painting or coloring AND you wrote about it !! HAVE to follow you for that alone, Lol Your newest follower, hope you can stop by sometime!

  12. Cute idea! I love anything that encourages many kinds of activities -- this is great for that. First, find the rocks, then paint them. And your scavenger hunt idea is also great. Thank you!


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