
do you wordle?

I know that by now...you all know about wordle. But I ALSO know that my lovely family reads my blog (well, they had BETTER!)....and they don't travel around blogville as much as I do.

(I know right, totally unfair that we all look like super models! Sometimes I wish we could just be like normal people!)

So, in case you are a "good mom" and don't neglect your children by "blogging" 75% of your day (hey, that other 25% if completely devoted to my children.  and sleep. and showering and getting ready and laundry and house cleaning.  a little cooking too....okay like 5% is COMPLETELY DEVOTED TO MY CHILDREN....... I don't even remember how this sentence started.

okay, back on track. in case you are out of the loop (Jan, Hay I'm not saying you are out of the loop...I am saying you are GREAT moms!) (okay, this is getting so long.....)

WORDLE. Super cute. super cool. check it out. Oh, and it's free. the end.

oh wait pictures first:
remember this one from my shout outs....WORDLE!

The one I made...
I'm not conceited...
okay...maybe a little.
notice that crafty is bigger than mom....whoops.

and a few others that I liked:

and yes they are small..... and all black..

and i found some online at Hi Sugarplum

how cute for an invitation

and this cute teacher idea on brassy apple

I thought about doing a project to show you how cool they are..but
A. I'm out of black ink on my printer
B. I have no more wall space for any more projects...honest. box in garage full of stuff that has no place. Poor little stuff. Makes me sad...
BUT I thought wordle would be awesome with your home rules...
kinda like this old project

 or so cute in a nursery with all those sweet baby words....or an awesome cover for a school report....or all kind of words involving food and eat and yum and frame it and put it in your kitchen..OR your son and daughter could make one for their door that said stay away...danger...knock first....do not enter....OR you could make one with spirtitual words like pray and faith....

OR you could make one for each holiday...gobble gobble, turkey, gravy...or ho ho ho,noel, santa, snow...OR....okay, I have major plans for wordle..............one day.....

the end

oh wait a little explanation......
 you type in all the words....the bigger you want the word...the more times you type it in...then you just keep hitting randomize until you find something you like...or you can right click on the picture and it gives you more options....

okay the end.

 cue picture to end on

(and no tyra...we STILL aren't interested on going on America's next top model.)

The girl behind my dad is my SINGLE sister if any guys are reading.


  1. I was on that Wordle bandwagon before I even knew it was ALL THAT - - here's my archive post, before I posted like I was all that: http://www.sugarbeecrafts.com/2009/03/hiatus.html

  2. Thanks for reminding me about how awesome Wordle is. It's been neat comparing the outcome from our family blog over the years -time to do another one!

  3. I had never heard of WORDLE, but I'm glad I have now. That baby shower invitation is ADORBS

  4. Nope, hadn't heard of it. Thanks for giving me something ELSE to waste my time on.

  5. Why do you do this?????? I am trying to get ready for girls camp! :) And I am totally fine with being out of the loop! (BTW what is this twitter stuff???) ;) Can't wait for the updated family picture! :)

  6. Totally a wordleholic. I made one for my son during April's Autism Awareness Month (and of course right now I can't find the picture amid the millions I have).

    Thanks for the tip on how to make the words bigger though! I was going to ask if you didn't address it.

  7. Kim, your family pics made my heart melt a little. I want a big ol' family like that, with kids spilling out everywhere and little bits of happy yellow. I guess with 5 I'm well on my way.

    I used wordle for family rules, actually - but I couldn't seem to increase the size enough. I spent a LONG time playing with the layout, but I kept accidentally deleting the project (which meant re-typing... over and over). Finally I wisened up and saved it in notepad. It came out okay, but some of the smaller rules are still hard to read...

  8. What awesome family pictures!!!!

    I'm still wordle clueless.....but that's just me ; )

  9. Thanks for the discussion on wordles! I'm new to blogland so your post is helpful. The relationship of image to text fascinates me; when words form their own image it seems to me a new calligraphy is born.
    best, nadia

  10. I'm a room mom, and I use Wordle to make the class's teacher gift every year. I use the teacher's name, the grade, the year, each kids name, the class pets, field trips, and words the kids give me to describe their teacher and their favorite thing they learned that year. For the cost of the frame, the teacher gets an awesome gift to hang in the classroom. It has gotten MAJOR oohs and aahs every year! :)

  11. So I spent hours (okay, so maybe not THAT long) making different designs with Wordle. You are now responsible for a very unhealthy addiction! :P


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.