
i give up.

cable one is coming out at 9 (at night) to fix the internet. and since I haven't been able to get any posts finished...AND i've got a yard sale tomorrow....AND my sister is in town...AND i'm on the computer at the library...(I just got dan brown's Lost Symbol) i'm taking a haitus.

I'll be back on MoNDAY....which means my shabby APPLE giveaway will stay open all weekend long! (click the button at the top....seeing how I can't get a link to work.

pray for sun won't you? I don't want to freeze my cahonas off tomorrow.


  1. Sorry your internet is still nuts. Good luck with your garage sale!

  2. Hi! I'm your newest follower. I love your hot glue treats! I'm about to go check out your pinterest. :o)



Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.