
magnetic board

now. this is in no way a new concept. but per my aunt's request for two magnetic boards...I decided to do it AGAAGG style...super cheap and using my hot glue gun.
scored some frames at the di (thrift store)
oh sweet $1 price tag....how I love you.

i took out the pictures and glass

and painted...

i took some scrapbook paper and hot glued the strips around the frame....

and added some paper embellishments...

then I shopped at my local Lowe's and found this roll of galvanized tin (in the flashing aisle) it's what I use for my magnetic menu boards...this roll cost me $10 and I have about 8 feet left....so it's SUPER cheap compared to the metal you buy at craft stores.

marked out the size

and "borrowed" my husband's tin snips and cut them apart
(and when I say "borrowed" i mean i have NO intention of returning them. NONE. and when he asks for them I will politely say, I put them right back where you showed me lover...that's so strange...i wonder where they could be?.....)

hot glued it into the frame....

hot glued a matching ribbon on the back...

and then made some magnets:
just those clear rocks.....I cut out a circle of scrapbook paper and hot glued them to the back...

and added a magnet.

and that's all....project cost= about $3. can't beat that.

talk about some glare...


  1. Those look great! And so easy!! I can't wait to try to make my own!

  2. Totally cute-- and I have that metal roll crap AND my tin snips. Must.do.

  3. I just got some FREE (YAY!) sheet tin and FREE frames from my grandma! Im am totally making these!! These are sooooo ADORABLE!! Thanks for sharing:)

  4. Is it required that you FLASH in the flashing aisle? I am sure the boys at Lowe's love that!

    Love your project though I am working on almost the exact same thing!!!

  5. I think I will make these for Christmas presents! So cute -Thanks! Did you make the paper flower embellishments and do you have or know of a tutorial? Enjoy your blog!

  6. i kinda expain it here

    but you cut out a circle and cut it like a cinnamon roll..and then roll it from the middle.

  7. You're so talented! Thanks and congrats on your soon to be addition!

  8. Love itttt! I will have to make one for my little sisters birthday next month! I'm bookmarking this, thanks!

  9. Love your idea of matching the magnets, frames and flowers with scrapbook paper. So cute. I'll be borrowing this idea soon.

  10. This looks great - don;t you love it when you find something for a $1and turn it into something AWESOME!

  11. I love this idea!!! I want to give it a try.


  12. I love that. Magnetic paint just doesn't work well. I am going to put this on my ever growing to do list.


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