
a tinsy bit of help...

In case you were wondering about my stat button...
right at the top....
see that stat button....

and to add my button (or anyones button for that matter....)
click on design...
click on add a gadget
click on html/javascript

and copy and paste the mumbo jumbo underneath the button.

and if you don't have a button...
you can always add a picture
and then put the link in...pretty much the same thing!

hope this help anyone!


  1. I'm sure it will be helpful to many--whether they take the time to comment a thank you or not. After commenting on a previous post, I stumbled around my blog innards, Googled, and finally figured out how to do it--again.

    I can't tell you how many times I've thought that I'd love to put on a button or make a link back or whatever some creative and wonderful blogger would like. I'm just not that blog-literate. These things take me forever and time is something I'm short on.

    Thanks. I love you blog and am more than happy to have your button on it:-}

  2. Thanks. I was actually wondering how you did it.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.