
some crap.

I can't think of a good title.

BUT this is still a good post.

So I have very recently noticed the "stats" button on the top of my settings page.

I know right?! How could I not know about this.? I feel out of the circle of trust
but now I know...and I obsessively check it and see how many people are looking at my blog...and what posts they are looking at....and where they are from...SHOUT out to the people in TURKEY!!! (the next button I make is going to say, I'm huge in Turkey...it can go right next to this one:

anyways...I love somewhat stalking you guys. It's fun to see that people are coming over from your blogs (thanks for that by the way) and it's fun to go over and check you guys out. (does that sound like stalking...it sorta feels like stalking!) I'm just trying to keep it real with my peeps.....

ANYWAYS! I had an Idea! One of many...but this one is not crafty. It involves crafts..but not doing a craft..no hot glue gun is needed..
oh just get on with it kim.....

Okay here's the deets. (details in case you don't pick up what i'm laying down) Sorry...I just watched the office...
oh my gosh it's like pulling teeth...I can never just spit it out!

I am going to reward someone very special...and it may be you. (now when I say special I don't mean eat paste special...)

I am randomly....some day...some time....(this week) going to go to my little stats button..and press it.

then I am going to push the now button

and click traffic sources...

and then I am going to randomly pick one of the 10 blogs that are listed!

and it could be you..
(I'm pointing)


you will win an all expense paid trip  oh wait...no.
how about your little button on my sidebar...some free advertising if you will...

oh..and how about I leave it there for 3 months...

Pretty great for not doing a darn thing except have my little button or link on your blog.

I just wanted a way to say thank you...to you..and you..and you there in the back.

without you, I would be a crazy women with a hot weapon who writes ridiculous long posts about nothing..
so thank you.

Now if you don't have my button or link on your blog.. you can get a button over here
 <------  (see what I did there..I made an arrow. I'm so clever)

and if you want no part in this...well do nothing. (I am VERY good at that.)


I'll be watching (weird disturbing laugh.....)


  1. I have awarded with you with a "versatile Blogger" award, see details on my blog!

  2. hahahahahahahaha, you make me laugh ;)

  3. I am ALWAYS checking my stats too.. it is really cool to see where my traffic sources come from! :) I always find the best ones when I click the now button and can see exactly who is looking at my blog. I think this is a fun idea!! :)

  4. Love the stats button. I like seeing how people got to me from google. "Pregnant vagina" is how they get to me. Weird.

  5. Ooo, ooo, ooo pick me... pick meeeeeeeeee! I'm all about blog stalking! Gonna have to go check out this stats business!

  6. You are so cracking me up right now...why? Because you sound just like me! I too have just recently found my stats button and check it daily. Only I am all excited to have 1 view on mine! lol I am just getting started, but it is fun. So, congrats on your new found toy! and by the way...I check your blog everyday! How is that for pressure? lol
    Becky @ www.beckyssoutherncomfort.blogspot.com

  7. Thanks for sharing! I just found the Stats button too!! :S
    You button is already in my blog, not only because I'd love to win, but also I love your posts!

  8. Great. Something new to waste my time checking! Thanks. :)

  9. Dude you are heeelarious. I love all the deets to this idea of yours.

    p.s. thanks for the shout out. YOU know the one.

  10. great post kimbo! :)
    I've done a lot of blogging tips posts, and this was on one of them!
    My favorite is feedjit. I like to see what people search for that lands them on my page. (in real time)
    wouldn't it be great if I happened to be the ONE.

    love your blog, girl!

  11. I really suck at this button thing. I have managed to put a few on my blog, but by the next time, I can't remember how I did it.

    Okay, I really like your blog (even though I'm not from Turkey. I know how you feel, though. I get so excited about Turkey, Kuwait, Sri Lanka!)So, I am going to once again try to figure out how to put a button on the blog.

    I don't have a button. If I win...well, I win!

  12. Haha, your so funny! I love reading your blog! I totally didn't even KNOW about the Stats tab....wow. I just checked it out on my blog, and its amazing. I always wonder if there is even anyone looking at my blog, and apparently there is! Thanks for writing about useful and interesting things on your blog! =)


  13. You are kinda crazy
    But in the same,"I know what I want to say but I dont know a cool way of saying it so I will just spit it out as it comes into my head and sound kinda crazy" way that I am when I blog.

    I'm pretty new to blogging so I dont get much traffic but I totally check the stats button multiple times a day.

    I <3 glue guns


  14. Love the stats button! It's great to see where people are from. When I feel like I'm blogging to myself I go look at that button and am blown away.

  15. I check my stats obsessively, too. My favorite google search to me, so far, has been "condoms in birthday cake." I wonder what they were thinking with that one...

    At any rate, I will be refreshing your page every five minutes for the remainder of the week. Just so you know. How's that for stalking?

  16. Ha! Since the only people looking at my blog are my family members I'm pretty sure the "referrals" you are getting from me ARE me, clicking over to your site to see what you've got going! This is fun idea though, very cute.

  17. You are hilarious! LOVE it! Please pick me............come on.......push the check stats button..........check your stats............ hmmmm......ok, well, didn't work this time. Maybe next time I am on here?

  18. PS, I am your newest follower!! Hope that made your day! HAHA. j/k. Please come on over and become a follower of mine! Me and my great big huge number of followers (72) will welcome you with open arms. PS tell your friends! I need more followers, please help! :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.