
sorry to 10 of you.

so...it stays. sorry to the 10 people who don't like it....I owe you for sticking around.
(and I started a new poll...do you like sunday shout outs or should I scratch it!!!)

but this week is exciting.

first we have to start with my alma mater....
my vote goes to  this one...
but I have to say..the first one was cute..and I love houndstooth. I was a tinsy bit confused if it was fabric or paint...either way it was BOLD! and I love black and white...but the colors of this one are just so bright and beautiful it had to get my vote!!!

the knock off top 10

I loved them allllll...really.....this one was tough!!!
the fingerprints were cool..loved the green

but if you vote for roy...you get a cute button...

and roy is craptastic..just saying....

but I have to say...the bean picture was pretty awesome!!!!


i love this dress...but this girl reminds me of my daughter so I love her especially!!!

and here are some other ones if you just can't get enough!!!!!

excited to see what they come up with!!!

One Month To Win Itto see the auditions (or enter)...go HERE

and make sure you enter the diy club party cause it's got loads of prizes!!!!


Visit thecsiproject.com

this coming theme is ACCESSORIES...cause we don't have ANY of those laying around....can we say HAIR CRAP!!!!


  1. Okay I'm glad you said that little girl reminded you of your daughter because now I know who it reminded me of! Sorry if that's creepy, but I see lots of your posts with her in it and when I saw it I thought "that girl looks really familiar".

    And I love that graffiti dress too. I want one my size.

  2. I voted for that nursery (but loved the first one too) and that dutch closet as well. =)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.