

i don't know why i'm on such a scarf kick--buy I do know I'm on a ruffly kick...
OKAY, here's the real reason i made them...I saw all this fabric...and i bought it.
I had too...it was to cute to just walk by it.
and I should mention my fabric is overtaking my life. i keep buying and then it sits there...
so I HAD to make something with it..
I love my old ruffle scarf I made:

I used elastic to sew to the back.
but I wanted to try elastic thread.

so I bought some (it was on sale for about 88 cents at JOANN!)
so I made it the same basic way...bought 12 inches...cut it in half and sewed it together so you have 6 inches by 88 inches.
but this material wasn't reversible.

so I sewed two materials together ....

sewed up both sides and left the opening at the top and bottom

turn it right side out and folded the ends inside and sewed them.
then I took my elastic thread and filled my bobbin with it.

(that is some pledge in the background...so as soon as my husband comes home I can grab it and act like I'm actually cleaning...)
(leave your normal thread on top)
loaded my bobbin and started right down the middle

and nothing

okay..a little something..but i sure wouldn't call it a ruffle. more like a minor gathering.
so I found THIS which lead me to adjust my bobbin casing a little tighter..
and then 
I did two rows because the thread just sits on top and I was afraid of it coming undone!

please note that these were taken outside...the snow has ALMOST melted..knockin on wood I didn't just jinx us into a huge snow storm! 

this one is for sale in my etsy shop!


  1. Love the scarf! What great colors too!

  2. Now if you want your husband to think that supper is getting ready while you are dusting with the Pledge?
    1/2 hour before he gets home put a onion in tinfoil and put it in the oven.. 350 degrees.. When he gets home he will smell the onion in the air and think supper is getting ready and it smells good.. NOW you have 30 minutes to fix something and ta da ~ you have supper all ready and you can even eat the baked onion. It has worked for me for 50 years. The other thing with that Pledge Furniture Polish after you have washed your car and it's clean, wax your car with the furniture polish.. It works and it's easy~!
    Now if you want to make him think you have cleaned...spray Lysol all around the house.. sniff,sniff ~~ it smells good and it smells like you cleaned something..
    Us girls have to have tricks to make it smell and look like we have been cleaning.
    Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:) annieptigger@aol.com

  3. Love how it came out! Thanks for the link to the bobbin tension thread. Very helpful.

  4. If you use the Pledge on your car make sure you spray the rag you are using to rub it around.. DO not spray it directly on your car.
    You will be amazed at how great and shiny your car will look. The kids can even help..

  5. i just gave you an award on my blog check it out! btw i love these scarfs!!! great job as always!

  6. I bought the same fabric - waiting in line to get other fabric cut, it was sitting there, taunting me with it's cuteness and cheap sale price...

    in other news, did you squirt your elastic thread with steam from your iron after you sewed it - it's an amazing trick of ruffly shrinkage goodness

  7. Those turned out so adorable! And funny about the pledge... wjy have I never thought of being so sneaky?!? Some of these comments are hilarious - thanks for brightening my day!

  8. its so funny that you posted this today, because I was literally JUST having this same problem, THANKS!

  9. The scarves are adorable! I was just saying I needed some spring scarves. I am am such a scarf girl! I'm totally going to stash the Pledge by my computer now! LOL

  10. LOVE THESE!!!! My girls are begging to try this right now, so off we go to dig through the fabric stash! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Love it! I've never had lucked getting elastic thread to shrink down enough when sewing through 2 layers of fabric. It's only worked on a single layer, like on a peasant top. Maybe I should try adjusting the bobbin tension.

  12. Very funky scarves! Awesome!

    Love the Pledge plan ;)

  13. I just love these. Maybe I will work up the courage to give it a try sometime soon.

  14. So cute! I love, love, love the pink/orange flowery fabric. I'm using it for pillows and artwork as I redecorate my daughter's bedroom. So versatile, isn't it?

  15. SUPER DUPER cute and so it your model ( -:

  16. Cute cute cute! I am the same way with fabric! I CANNOT!! not buy it. I have tons. We should have a fabriholic meeting ;)


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