
sytyc and other stuff...

Okay...before I start....take a minute and tell me yeah(yes) or neigh (no) if you like the competition rundown...and you can be honest cause its anonymous and I won't blast you if  I don't like the results! it's on the left!!!  I started this because after I got kicked off SYTYC I was amazed at the projects and wanted to share..and with ALL the online competitions it just keeps growing and growing and growing!!

and this week is  no exception:

let's start shall we
SYTYC: red week....RED? wow....that encompasses anything really!

my favs:

the dress is cool...and I loved the camera bag..but when I go to SYTYC I am looking for a new idea...and this hammock is clever and looks easy enough!!!

my fav on baby week:

go here to vote cuase there are some awesome awesome projects!

and a NEW contest if you want in on all of the competing fun:


and guess what another NEW contest...

from makia. you send in your crafted item and you could win 1002 and royalities if they make it into a kit!

This was vintage and retro week...and this one is my favorite!

csi project is starting a new round

div align="center">DIY Club


this competition does voting over the weekend..so by the time I get to it it's over..
but this one is my favorite:

(it was denim week!!!)


  1. I (obviously!) love the low-down on your contest favs --

  2. oh I love the denim dress! so cute..... here's the link so you can see my new glue gun....


  3. Thanks for putting my button on your side bar! I didn't realize how much fun this was or I might have started a long time ago....I am a little obsessed!

  4. Just wanted you to know that I linked you in my post that is up right now. Thanks a bunch. jen

  5. Love the round up! And thanks so much for the shout out! :)

  6. It is because of your run-downs that I was introduced to a few of my new fave contests, like toddler runway and run and play. Love it.

  7. Do you have a search bar and im just crazy and didnt see it?? (VERY possible) if not PLEASE oh PLEASE add one! I love your blog!!

  8. I like going to blogs and reading what other people think about our SYTYC submissions every week, so I like that you do this. But I did want to point out that the theme this week wasn't just to make something red--it was about Go Red for Women and the movement to make women more aware of their heart health. You can read more about it here: http://www.goredforwomen.org/about_the_movement.aspx

  9. I have a question! The first picture of the hammock is that from your back yard? I'm just wondering because over here in Rexburg we still have a good foot of snow on the ground. We are only an hour away, so not fair. Well keep up the good work, I always love looking at your blog and getting great ideas!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.