
I'm a social butterfly

so do you see my little buttons to the left?

cause i did that all by myself!

(okay..I followed THIS post)

I usually just pay someone to do all the hard work...
but since I'm giving out advice...
I thought I had better take some myself!

(hey that blue with the dot one means I'm on flickr! so any add pictures of any of my crap you have made!

and I have 9 minutes until husband gets home so I have to go run around and pretend I have been cleaning ALL DAY!



  1. Hahaha, this is hilarious. I totally run around and act like I have been super busy, and the kids have been terrible before hubby comes home.

  2. omgosh! I thought about you today, I was at a craft store today, and saw this beautiful glue gun, and it screamed to me "buyyyy meeeee!" do I did, I will take a pic and post it, and give you the link so you see it =)

  3. You are so funny Kim! I think I have Boyd tricked into thinking I don't mess around with crafts all day...ok, he totally knows, but I do the same thing too! I at least try to make it look like I have been doing some cleaning! Yesterday, as he was looking through an enormous pile of laundry for a clean pair of pants, he told me I have been shirking my responsibilities!!! Can you believe that??? How rude! Maybe the craft blog was a bad idea....oh ya, I don't care what he thinks! :)

  4. The best advice I got when I got married? Always set the table before the husband gets home...that way he'll think dinner is 'almost ready' and you've been slaving at it for hours.

  5. hahaha! first i must say good job on putting the buttons up yourself! second...i'm SO glad to know I'm not the only one who runs around the last few mins trying to make it look like i've been busy all day!

  6. LOVE that you run around and act like you have been cleaning all day, because I feel the same way! I feel so stupid if my hubby walks in and I am sitting at the computer, or something like that! Love it!!


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