
Today is the day it pays...

To be a KIM.

I was sitting here..wondering why my name wasn't Mandy because of




all name mandi (spelling might differ)

and I was jealous.

why couldn't my mother name me mandy....

and then I remembered...I love my name.

I love KIM...I changed it when I was a kid to Dott, Starr and Daisy...but these days I love my name...KIM


Kimmy (Neices and nephews and coky)


Kimbo (my name for the bloggin world)

babe (from my husband)
hottest mama ever (that's what I call myself)

I love that it starts with K.

K is my favoritest letter

its the most prettiest of letters don't you think?

Kids name:
Jordan Kae
Kameron Jae
Kaje (actually his name is Karl the third)
and my husband's name is Karl...with a K...sounds the same but much cooler than a normal carl...

kim kim kim

                    Kimmy wallace from my best friends wedding.......and the infamous kimbo slice

This is what my mom would call.."poured into"                       and Kimmy Gibler          

(I had a guy friend that went on a mission for our church...and he said that everytime he sat down to do his "business"...he would look over at the toilet paper roll and there would be the kimberly clark sign...and he thought of me. isn't that just sweet!)

(and once again..let's not google kims...cause not all kims believe in keeping their clothes on in front of the cameras..)

so if you are a kim...take an award...

and wear it with pride...

THEN: leave me a comment....anything you feel the need to share.
(middle names are welcome) ALSO if have a kid named Kim that counts..cause obviously if you named your kid that you love the name too...

and I'm going to pick a Kim to get:
and some other crap:

I'll pick the winner on friday!

(and for the mandis...)


  1. i'm a mandy, spelled the true and good way!

  2. I have a Jakob and that sounds better to me than Jacob. I have a niece named Nickolyn. And while I am not a Kim I do know a couple:)

  3. I'm with that Mandy #1, "y" is the way to go - - but enough about me, my mom's name - Kim - here's entering for her!

  4. I think the two of us are the hottest Kim's around {and I'm not really not self-absorbed... really!}

    I'm a Kimmy, and a Kimmy-Pie, and even a Ymmik to my older brother and a Mimi to my younger. I'm Kim to most, except my closest, dearest friends. But my mother still calls me Kimberly! I am grabbing your button for my FB page because I want to announce to everyone that KIM's are the BEST. HA.

  5. I am not Kim. I am Sarah. But I know a Kim. Who has a son named Clarke. So whenever the business is done...I think of them. Does that count?


  6. And can I just add, I need to move my butt to UTAH because that is where ALL the amazing craft bloggers live!

  7. I am not a Kim, but thought your post was pretty funny and wanted to let you know that :) Like your name though!

  8. My daughter also shares the greatest name around; Kimberly. She's three, and when people ask her her name she always responds the same: "My name's Kim, but you can also call me Kimberly". Of course we also call her Princess Kim. :)

  9. My best friends name is Kim, my son's name is Kelton... a name I absolutely adore.

    His last name also starts with a K. I love the letter K.

    Just saying, I'm a Patricia and I hate my name.

  10. I'm not a Kim. But my BFF is Kim or St End. I am Be Fri. We had the necklaces that split in half...I had Be Fri...oh anyway. I am also a Kaci with a K, which shows that I love the letter K. My son has a name that's traditionally spelled with a C, but I replaced with a K.
    Okay, so I don't qualify, but I wanted to share.

  11. Oh my gosh, you rock. ROCK. :) Seriously. I'm not even writing this so I win the giveaway (although, don't get me wrong, that would be cool...) I'm just writing this to agree with you.
    I hated my name growing up. I changed it to Kayla and then Geneva. Yeah, like the convention. What was I thinking??
    I especially hated it when anyone called me my full name - Kimberly so ugly and Beth so lame. Kimberly Beth? Ug.
    I felt that Kimmy Gibler gave all Kim's a bad name.
    My family always called me Kimmie and I hated it when anyone else would. (And notice, please, it's Kimmie with an ie, not with a y, that was very important.)
    BUT, I, like you, have grown to love my name. I wear it with pride. Even the full version.

  12. Oh, and PS, I'm totally taking that button and putting it front and center on my blog. Thanks.

  13. My best friends name is Kim, we called her Kimchi growing up. and if you reply back to me I'll tell you "Little Girls" name ;D

  14. I am not a Kim... but a Missy (really Melissa, but I am not a fan) I always felt like the name Missy sounded more fun. I have 3 boys and all of their names have different spellings because I have to be a little different.. Landen (with an E because I did not want anyone to shorten his name and call him Donny, Blayne (with a Y because it looks cool), and Carsen (with an E because the other two have names spelled a little different).
    PS- I agree with living in Utah all the great crafters live there... but it is to cold!

  15. My ex-boyfriend's estranged best friend was named Kim.

    ...that's all I've got :( She is the only Kim I have known. I liked her bunches tho!

    Also, I love me some Kimmy Gibbler :)

  16. I have a Kim. She's the cutest thing in the whole world! (sorry other Kims). She just turned a year old and is my favorite Kim out of all the ones I've ever met. :D

    I loved the pink ranger growing up!

  17. Dude. . . DUDE! I love my award! I think I let out a fart, I was so shocked, when I saw my header on your blog!

    Thank you! Oh man I am soo going to put my award on my bloggity blog-blog.

    And finally, I can't win that awesome ring?? Really? I don't have a middle name. Is it time to get one?

  18. not a kim....but you crack me up! your blog always makes me smile!

  19. It's good to be KIM. I also have come to love being a Kim or Kimberly or Kimberly Ann (when I am in trouble or talking to my grandpa). I love that you wrote about being Kim.

  20. I'm not a Kim, but I am a Katak, and you can spell that forwards AND backwards. I totally agree, "K" is THE way to go.

    Hence, my kids names, Koy and Kaisa... And my OTHER kid names for future kids are, Kally, Karina, Katja, Kjrten, Kassiopeia and Kalib. (Not that I'm having more kids, but still...one can dream!)

    P.S. if you put a "K" forwards and one backwards, it makes a snowflake, my FAVORITE shape ever, esp. for my two kids K and K. :)

  21. I am a Kim and I love my name, but just like you, I definitely wanted something else when I was younger, like seven years old....I can remember thinking Kathy was the most beautiful name in the world and why couldn't my parents have named me that? My family's southern side likes to combine first and middle names so I was always "Kim Renee" and the rest of my extended family stuck with "Kimmer"...I am good with all of it.

  22. Awww. I wish my name was Kim. I could be a Kim for a day I guess and just change my name!

  23. LOL this is so funny!! the one time I am happy to have my name! :D http://nothingbutchatter.blogspot.com/2011/02/because-i-am-kim.html

  24. No Kim's but my middle name is Elisabeth, with an "S" not a "Z" cause my parents liked it that way. And our name for a girl (if we're ever blessed with one) is going to be Korrah.

    I've always loved my name, too. I haven't met that many other Courtneys and the ones I have, are pretty awesome.

  25. I wish my name was Kim so I could have that awesome ring! Can we just pretend for today? :) Just kidding, congrats to whichever Kim wins!

  26. WooHoo, finally I can be proud of my middle name, Kimberly. Not that I really wasn't ever proud of the name but when put with my first name, Catherine, it kinda sounded like a doll's name. "Attention shoppers: all Catherine Kimberly dolls are now on sale." Now that I'm older, I've begun to see the Catherine fade into Kit. I love Kit. Because, like you, I love K. About as much as I love this ring! :)

  27. Everyone in my Family has the initials K K, Keith, Karen, Kerry, Kay Lynne, Kyla, Keith, and Kendall! All my brothers family has the initials K K (except his wife) Kendall, Keegan, Kade, Klay, Kwynn, and Kooper! We <3 K's!!! Love no Kim's or Mandi's :((( Just K's

  28. Oh I love this give away! My nephew and baby cousins call me Mimi. All of my family used to call me Kimmie until Gibler came along. Growing up I always wanted a unique name but think that Kim fits me pretty well. I LOVE your blog, makes me crack up every time I read it.

  29. I'm not a kim, but I always liked the name Kim. And I had a good friend names Kim. :)

    Love your name, and soak it for all it's worth!!

  30. I am a Kim too!! Full name Kimberly Marie-funny thing you really don't see many Kim's out there in the world-can't say I have meet very many but I do too love my name!! And to top if off Wednesday the 9th is the day I was given that name 30+ years ago :)

  31. Yea!!! Go Kim's! How fun, I am happy to be a Kim. :) My mom always joked that when she was pregnant with me, she had to pee all the time, and saw either Kimberly Clark, or Scott brand toilet paper everywhere... So, needless to say I am Kimberly and my brother is Scott! :)

  32. Mandy's mom here...the original Kim (almost 52, and growing up besides one Kim in grade school besides me, was a boy Kim in 9th grade). I grew up on Kimberly Park (my grandpa and dad built the houses on the street, I was the baby at the time so it was named after me) and I now have the sign in my front yard (they widened the main road so an original neighbor saved the sign the road crew had thrown away and called me to come and get it). My blog is KimberlyParkFarm.blogspot.com and I had a girl in my grade school a few grades younger then me who was named Kimberly after her mom saw the road sign. I definately deserve to win.

  33. My mom's name is Kim, does that count. If not that's okay. your husband's name being Karl reminds me of some of my fave youtube videos. Look up "Llamas with Hats" slightly off but pretty funny. You're welcome :)

  34. I'm not a Kim. I'm a Bonnie. But if I change my blog name to "I wish I was a Kim", can I enter? Love your blog. Alot. Good luck to all the real Kims.

  35. I'm a Kim, too! We also share some of the same nicknames (Kimbo and Kimmy [only a select few call me that]), and I have one friend who calls me Kimmy-poo.
    Being a Kim is pretty awesome. I can always find a Disneyland mouse ears hat or pencil that say my name, and it never gets misspelled!

  36. I'm not a Kim, but my in-laws were going to name my husband Kim. They thought they were having a girl. Well, he came out with boy parts (thank heavens!) so they had to come up with a new name, but his middle name is Kimball. I also have a couple friends that work at Kimberly Clark!

  37. i wanted to name my baby kimmy- but my friend took it already!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  38. I was a kim then my parents decided to change my name to Niky when doing my birth cirtificate but keep calling me kim just to confuse every one to this day I'm still Kim to all my family!

  39. My momma is Kimberly, but my sister (I have three!) got the cool name of Erin Kimberly and my niece Maddieson Kimberly is due in April. :)

  40. I am Kim as well, Kimmie to all those that knew me when I was little, Kimi to my middle school buddies, Kimbo to those that are cool, Kim and Kimberly- oh and my little sis calls me Bo- Kims rule! I blogged and posted your button :)

  41. bummer, I'm not a Kim either. :( I'm a Sarah but my last name starts with a "K".

  42. My name is Tara and my kids are Ethan and Melody so no K's in this family but I do know a lot of Kim's LOL Does that count?!?!?

  43. I'm not a Kim, but my roommate from college is Kimmer.
    Oh, also, I love that ring!

  44. Hi from Kim! AKA ...... kimmers, kimmer, kimmy. My 6 yr old has started calling me Kim and that makes me laugh hysterically! Guess if you are the youngest of 6 you need a strategy to get more attention!
    Have a great day!!!

  45. I am not a Kim but I promise to name my next daughter Kim- after you of course! Then when people ask me why I named her I will tell her- after Kimbo, the bloggist who writes the best blog ever! And they will say, "What's a blog?" Also, I lived in Kimberly, ID for awhile and LOVED it! -)

  46. I am a Kim! My friend calls me "Kimberly Wallace" my teacher called me "Berly"just to be different :)! My Mother-in-law just started calling me Kim and not Kimberly after being married to her son for 12 years! I was a Kimmy when I was young and friends think its fun to still call me Kimmy! I also go by Kimber, Kimmers, and Kimantha and I love my (our) name! I have a friend named Kim who is a man and tells me my family named me after a boy! I laugh every time! I love being a "Highest Honored" "Kim"! Great to a Kim!

  47. My daughter's name is Kimberly (currently using "Kimmy"). She also answers to: Kimmers, Kimbo, Kimbini, and Kimaroni. My other daughter, Kaylee, also calls her Kimboob :( oh well... I love the name!
    from Leanne (not Alan) :)

  48. <--- Kim here! I've always loved the name... to be more exact it's Kimberly Mae. I'm Kimmy to my husband, in-laws, nieces and nephews; Kimberly at work; Kim to my friends and Kimbo, Kimbus, and Kimbee to my dad... what can I say he likes nicknames! Here's to all the Kims out there!

  49. Another Mandi(y) here! Lots of creative ladies with the names Kim and Mandi(y). Love your post! Made me smile! Hope you don't mind if I use your button on my blog.



Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.