
a little crafty craft.

I am nostaligic for ANYTHING in my youth. ANYTHING!! I bought a safety kids book at the thrift store ....because it was the SAFETY KIDS!!!!
(I've got MY own pair of designer genes!)

and this is a little craft that I HAD to make my daughter do because I swear for every holiday in every grade we made one of these....

tissue paper

cut into squares (I made them about 1 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches so my daughter could handle them a little better!)

take a pencil..

pusht it around the top...middle of the tissue square is in the middle of the eraser and then push the sides down.

tiny dob of glue

(let's not notice the badly painted nails..I painted them and then had to rescue my daughter..such is life.)
then put it down on paper...(don't smoosh the top)

my daughter in progress

at about this point she was whining, "can't you help me. this is taking forever...i want to color...."
so they are not really as close as they are supposed to be.
wish I would have had my leaf from 5th grade. Would have shown her a thing or two...

still a job well done.

(Okay..I later went in and added some....what can I say?)

I hot glued a ribbon to the back so we could put it on her doorknob.

did anyone else make these growing up? or was it an idaho thing?


  1. I LOVED the safety kids growing up!!! I still have my books and cassettes. I am totally singing right now. . .

  2. Okay, I have not seen the safety kids for a very long time! Totally took me way back! And yes, I made the tissue paper art, but I am an Idaho girl too!

  3. I'm North Carolina born & raised and we did the tissue paper art. I LOVE it...it was the one artistic thing I could actually do! Thank you for featuring it. I haven't seen it on any of the kids' craft blogs I read (at least not so far). Maybe your post will bring it BACK!! :)

  4. Oh yes I remember these and my 4 year old has brought plenty of these home this year.

  5. I made a giant 10 for our best couple friends like this to hang on their front door on their 10th anniversary. It looked great - but it took FOREVER!!! Beautiful for v-day!

  6. HAHAHA!! I used to have every single safety kid casette tape! I still sing some of the songs to my 2 year old! And it is hilarious that you made this craft today bc I was totally made these at school growing up!! way to go again!!

  7. I made the tissue paper art too, and I'm' from Oregon. Actually at Michaels Craft Store they have a whole section with Pre-cut tissue paper just for this craft. They have different shapes to put the tissue paper on too, I thought that was neat.

  8. We made them growing up. I used the same process last summer in VBS as a Daniel in the Lion's den craft...I WAS THE CRAFT ROOM LEADER. YES!

  9. Fun! I remember making those as a kid. I loved it. Thanks for reminding me! :-)

  10. Totally had both of these as part of my youth. The other day I was trying to teach my 2 year old her phone number using the song. Growing up, our number fit so perfect, my current phone number feels really awkward in the song. Hmmm. But I loved them! And they totally worked because when I lost my mom one day I looked "for a Grandma or Mother with children." I wonder if I could find one around here.

    Oh ya, and I live in Canada.

  11. Those are very cute & easy. I think I made something similiar to that when I was a kid.

  12. We did 'em up in good 'ol Louisiana too! Woop for us :D

  13. Not Iowa - must be a national thing cause I made them (ahem) years ago and my granddaughters just made them! LOL

  14. Cute craft, I definitely remember doing this for multiple holidays as a child..

    I think I might have to sit my little one down with this on Friday while we prep for her birthday on Saturday!

    Thanks for the idea!

  15. I totally did those all the time! In fact we made an ocean along the sides of a truck once for part of a homecoming float...it was amazing!

  16. There is so much fun in making these tissue paper hearts~! Good Job~!
    I think tissue paper ia world wide in making these hearts.. LOL
    Have a great day...ta ta for now:)

  17. I do at least one tissue paper art project per month in the classroom where I work :) and we just did tissue paper hearts here at home like 3 days ago!! So easy and keeps the kiddos busy for a while!

  18. haha! My son just brought home one of these today! he chose a blue heart with orange tissue paper! Sad part is since he's A) a boy and could care less about crafts and B) He is only 3, it turned out to be a sad little heart. Maybe I'll add some to it and fill it in!

  19. What a lovely creation!
    Wonderful blog!


  20. We made those too! I love them. I have had my girls do that too. So fun.

  21. Safety kids! I'm proud to be one...smile when you see one...we're everywhere!!! Boy, that takes me back!

  22. I had TOTALLY forgotten about Safety Kids!!

  23. Thanks for sharing this! Just featured it! {finally} ;)

  24. We did these crafts in school growing up in small town Canada. Not having any specialized art classes, these were a real treat to do. I think it was the only 'art project' any of my teachers knew how to do because we did alot of them in every grade! ha! Thanks for sharing!


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