
some questions!

loved the questions I got with my blog advice posts....made me think of all the crap I missed!!!!

(and if you have any more questions ask away! I get alot of emails about stuff so it's nice to kill 2 birds with one stone)

and WARNING...this is long...i have gone through it twice trying to find things to cut out of it...but to no avail....and now I'm adding to the length!)

first question:


now. don't get into blogging thinking you are going to make some major money. cause chances are you won't (not trying to be a hater just keeping it real!!!)

I started my blog cause I love to craft...and I thought it would be awesome to promote my etsy shop. (which it has totally!!!! everytime I post about the things I have added to my etsy shop I sell about 4 that week ....so thanks for that)

but in all honesty. I make about enough money to buy my crafting supplies...(which I was buying anyways!)  I mean who knows where my blog will be at in say 3 years (when I HAVE to get a job cause my youngest will be in school (husband rules) hopefully it will pay out so I WON'T have to get a job...but I don't blog for that reason.  .. I love to blog. I love to make stuff...I especially love the comments I get and the pictures I get of people making my stuff.


 THAT is the reason I BLOG!!! (don't get me wrong...any extra money is nice!!!)

I think to make enough money to quit your job...you have to treat it like a job. You would have to put in the man hours and the hard work.  don't get discouraged IT CAN BE DONE!!!!

with that said.....onto the advertising...

FIRST: before you think about advertising...I would make sure that you have some pretty good numbers. I started around the 1000 followers mark (you can start earlier though!!!)...before that...join the linky parties...maybe take out some advertising yourself and get your blog to GROW!!!
 if you are somewhat new...I would suggest button swapping. you put someone's button on your blog and they will put your button on their blog. fairsies. no money exchange...but gets new followers over to you.

SECOND: When I first started to advertise.....I went through etsy and any etsy shop I loved I wrote them a note telling them about my blog and how much I loved their product and I would love to have them advertise with me. I gave them the first month free to see if they liked it and was getting exposure...then after the first month it was $5. (which brings me to number 3)

THIRD: start low. $5/$10 a month is not a big deal...you can increase as you go and have more interest!

FOURTH: I give two options...give something away.....or pay me some cold hard cash.  I think giveaways are a good idea...cause I usually make the people go over to the shop and tell me what they like the best to enter for the giveaway....so that means traffic for your sponsors...they will stay with you as long as they see numbers coming from you.  (I also write a post about them letting my readers know what they have to offer!)

FIFTH...(who knew I had so much to say about advertising!) AFFILIATES....

there are affiliate programs everywhere. canvas people..amazon...chunky bling....saying on the wall..and a WHOLE lot more that I have noooooo idea about!!!!

a rundown...you put them on your blog and when people click on it and buy something ....you get a commission from it. there is also blogher...and in all honestly.. I know SQUAT about it!

mkjiuhvb loifduioudfiophbcl;)sorry..i had to clean my keyboard...) (i was eating and blogging..it's called multitasking!)

you can just find what works for you...if it fits with your blog then go for it. don't try to sell something that you aren't in to!!!

but I will tell you this: I go to blogs..and I hate digging through the pop ups and advertisements....Now, I respect that you want to make some cash (don't we all) but lets kiss (keep it simple stupid.)

{my 7 year old taught me that.} I don't want to be overwhelmed. clean and simple and easy to find what i'm looking for!

also..don't hesitate to reach out and ask someone...you can leave a comment saying that you think their product would be a hit with your readers and you would love to have a link on your blog...OR review the product for them...some bloggers get a craptastic amount of free stuff to promote on their blog...so keep that in mind! Everyone likes free stuff....

done with advertising.......on to OTHER things.....

Now...another thing I thought of when going through the comments....don't not do something cause someone else already did. (wowza..did that make any sense?)

It's a big big world...I made my bubble gum dispenser and thought I was so clever...cause I have never seen one before.

then I get a comment about how they just saw one at a craft store...so just because you have seen one somewhere else..don't let it stop you.

UNLESS you see it somewhere and love it and make the exact thing --give credit where credit is due!!!!! don't try to pass it off as your own!

When I started writing this blog advice...I thought...they could probably find this information somewhere else...but I persevered on..(okay I already had it half done so I wasn't going to delete all that hard work) and I got a ton of comments thanking me! so I'm glad I did it!!!!

and if you have been reading infarrantly creatives blog story you will also learn this:

make friends in the blogging world. YOu want to have someone to vent to and can relate and tell you what not to do cause she already made the mistake.

 I'm a diy dare blogger (holla) and the tech savvy girls started a group so we could group up and talk...we have talked about some super funny things..and things that have really helped me! It's nice to have a group to say, "COME VOTE FOR ME!" or tweet about this or hey, how do I do something!!!? I am doing ANOTHER blog post about facebook, twitter and all that crap...and I totally turned to them to get their input! (expect that next week!)

some INFO
to change your name so the when you comment it says kimbo at a girl and a glue gun:
go to dashboard in your blog....edit profile...display name...add in your name

to turn OFF comment verification: go to settings...
go to comments and then this page will let you

make it so mr or mrs. anonymous can't leave no stinking comments.

add a cute little saying that shows when you leave a comment...

turn off word verification

or add your email and it will email you everytime you get a new comment...

I would like to go over my post often remark on my first blog tips. I like having crap to read...especially from my favorite bloggers. I get so excited when I see a new post by made.  but let's talk about quality over quantity. I have this friend (let's call her mandi... well actually that's her name.) and she does craptastic things at her blog (she's the homemade fireplace girl)
she takes this stuff

and turns it into this stuff....

(Isn't vicki awesome) 
but my point being....she can not have something amazing like this to post three times a week.
cause first she's human...and second..she's a mom. 
BUT...she makes sure she posts frequently...either giving us a sneak peak on what she's working on....or posting a story...or asking for advice on what to do with a certain piece. Enough to keep is in the know and expecting something great (and she NEVER disappoints!) she is a great example of posting...ALSO she is a great example of BEE YOURSELF! Super funny. You kinda feel like you are talking right to her. 

I know life is busy...work, husbands, cleaning, kids (not in that order of course)
and I don't want anyone stressing about posting everyday because AGAAGG said too.....
do what feels comfortable.

(okay and just because i can't help it --you have got to check out mandi's acid mirrors

they are one of my favortist things ever!!!!

and another revision:
I said get rid of word verification.
here's the reason.
If I try to leave a comment.
usually I push post comment
and exit out.
only to realize that there was a word verification that I missed which means
that the person didn't get my words of love.

MY PERSONAL OPINION: we would all receive a lot more comments if there was no word verification to jump through.
BUT if you get a ton of spam

(I don't...just anonymous comments)
then it's not worth it! Keep it on if it makes your life easier!

next week is facebook, twitter, and crap like that!

let me know if you have any questions...
and i'm out.


  1. Thank you so much for teaching me how to change my profile name when I left comments - I had been wondering about that, as I set mine up a few months back when i was really just beginning, and couldn't figure out how to change it! Lol, sometimes it is just the simple things :)

  2. Thanks for all the advice!!
    p.s. you are hilarious.

    And I hate it when people have word verification!

  3. I like the keep it simple approach! Thanks for the tips!

  4. Ohhhh, darn. Anonymous paved the way for some really great posts!!! :) Now they just need to stand up and show their face (before ducking the blow, of course)!

  5. Thanks for all of your tips, I've read some before , but love them in your style!! :-)

    Just wanted to ditto on the word verification!! Haaauuuuge pain in the butt! Def puts me off commenting.

    I have a tiny blog with very few followers but I do get a load of spam!!! Blogger now offers a good system where they go into a spam folder for me, you can find it in dashboard under the comments tab. Just an FYI for you and/ or your readers. Anything to encourage people to ditch word verification!! xx

  6. I have really enjoyed reading your blogging advice and help! I'm relatively new and don't have the time to do it like a job. I'd like it to be more professional but I'm experimenting with my style first. I appreciate your insight knowledge and honest facts! Then again, you are just an awesome inspiration, creatively speaking. I appreciate your help and words!

  7. Great post! Thanks for the advice. If you have time stop by my blog and let me know what you think...how can I improve!

  8. You are awesome! Thanks for taking the time to give blogging advice! I am still pretty lost, it is a whole new world! It really helps, and answers a lot of questions! Oh, do you want to go V.T. sometime?

  9. Hi Kim! I love your blog, seriously I get excited to see your name in my Blogloving list! Anyway, I have a question for you. Its kinda stupid, but I was wondering how you get the link tab thingys underneath the name of your blog. (You know the "Home," "About A Girl," "Contact A Girl.") Is it something on your template or can you just added them in. Do you know what I'm talking about? Have I confused you completely?


  10. thanks... and now i could go for a spam musubi ;-)

  11. I hate word verification! I used to do that same thing-- push post then exit. I ended up having to go back a bunch of times because I'd glimpse a "word verification" box that came up right as I was hitting the x... and I was featuring the person, so I had to tell them!

    At the very least, do one of the set-ups where the word verification is there right away, and the page doesn't refresh to show it, so I know it's coming.

    Annnnnnnyway, thanks for the advise about advertising because that's something I knew zip about (except that people do it).

  12. Woop! Got that boom boom pow going on with my display name. :) So now, here goes...
    Yesh Buddy, rollin like a big shot :D I love it! I hope it shoes up on here since I opened a new tab to edit my name... wont I look foolish ?!

  13. Love all the advice! Two question, first the one i've spent like half my life trying to figure out.

    How do you get your comment section to say "Thanks for your comment...you are officially unthanked'? I have spent forever in my expanded HTML code and can't find the right spot....grrr!

    Also, I have linked my readers several times to your page. Is it proper ettiquite to ask before hand because I haven't. I'm sorry. I shared your page about bloggin tips (giving you credit of course) and I posted about my new blogs I'm lovin and linked them your way. Hope I haven't offended anyone because I didn't ask first!!!

    *going to go add this to my name right now!!!

  14. Thanks for answering the question about advertising! Very helpful!

  15. I changed my display name! Yay! Now I don't have to type it our every time. Thanks so much!

  16. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome...thanks for you helps with the comment message!!!! :)

  17. Thanks so much for all the advice! I am a new blogger and just started my blog a little over a month ago and really have NO CLUE what I am doing LOL
    PS: I am bookmarking this post!

  18. Kimbo, thank you so much for all of your help!!! I learned so much from your posts!!

  19. I really like your blog tips.thank you for all such valuable tips.

  20. AH! Kim, I'm the one that wrote the comment about your adorable bubble gum thing... I hope you know that I LVOED it and didn't mean anything by it at all!!! I do things like that all the time...Come up with an idea log on to the blogs after I post it and find the same dang thing posted by someone else. I LOVE all your ideas! Keep it up girl!

  21. Yeah, it was long...but I kept reading, so it must have been good. Good points...a group to bounce idea off of it great...so helpful.

    I hate word verification - waste of time. I get so few spammy comments w/o it.

    As for advertisers - I have 2 affiliates and no advertisers, just my DIY Club affiliations beyond that...I just have not wanted to deal with it.

    Great insight and scoop...I always enjoy hearing others perspectives.

    I'll keep an eye out for next week..I think I have FB down, but that twitter is beyond comprehension.

  22. Thanks for this post - lots of great tips. And you are so right about not going ad crazy. That's always a huge turn off to me as a reader. One thing that I do still wonder about is how a bunch of blogs seem to receive & also giveaway some big ticket items like Silhouette machines/$50 gift cards/etc. around the same time. At first I figured you just had to be a really big blog and they magically approached you, but now I see a wide range of blogs getting all kinds of stuff so I've got to think it's something they're actively doing. Is this what Social Spark & other blog marketing is about & do you have any experience with those?

  23. Thanks for taking the time to share these wonderful tips!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!! I changed my name!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.