
let's play a game...

called, name the glue gun.

I have some issues with naming inanimate objects (and sometimes renaming animate ones)

in college...my freshmen 30 stomach was named clettis. (no pictures of that thank you very much!)

my sewing machine is named martha (YOU KNOW why.) (love that part in what happens in vegas)

my husband's nickname is captain inappropriate (he KNOWS why)

my car is called the pit...cause when we bought it was the most expensive thing we had ever bought and so we named it money pit.

but my poor little glue gun is nameless...

I have tried thinking of a few...none stick.

phil (for doctor phil) but it's pink..and I have it in my head she is a girl...so it didn't quite feel right. 

so I am putting it in your hands...

name the glue gun.

if I pick your name for my glue gun..

you win...


apron, keychain, hair stuff...the satisfaction of being awesome....that kind of thing.....


  1. I'm thinking Rhonda maybe like the Beach Boys song "Help me Rhonda"? I dunno just looks like a Rhonda

  2. She-Ra...princess of power!

  3. I vote Bessie!
    It can be a nickname or a play on Elizbeth.
    I like it because it is an unusual name this day in age, and it really does have a history.
    Bessie Love was a Silent Film and sound actress born in Texas by the name of Jaunita Horton.
    Another pretty cool person with the name Bessie is
    Bessie Smith who was known as The Empress of the Blues. She contributed greatly to the blues and jazz alike.
    Plus its a sweet, reliable name. And those are the rasons I like it. History behind the gun ;D

  4. how bout hot stuff.... for obvious reasons. you are hot. so is the glue gun.

  5. Lucy is the only thing that came to mind..not sure why????

  6. Princess Sticky Fingers! :) that's what I always get when I use mine!

  7. How about 'Molly' from 'Pretty in Pink' - I know her character name wasn't Molly but I liked that name the best! :)

    You are hilarious...just sayin! I love following your blog because I always smile, no matter the mood/'tude!!! :) Have a good day!


  8. You are too funny! How about the Pink Panther!

  9. Petunia! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one to name things! My vintage orange suitcase is Ethel and my new camera is Betty!

  10. I think LOLA would be perfect... "whatever Lola wants, Lola gets" kinda fits!!! You always make your magic happen with your glue gun!!


  11. Florence? Or maybe Jane. Something simple, sturdy and useful.

  12. How about Philomena? Its the girlie version of Phil. Or Priscilla? So fun!

  13. Defnitiely Pinkilicious!
    or maybe Lotty - for some reason Lotty really tickles my fancy.
    or speaking of fancy ... maybe fancy nancy.

  14. How about Florence - for Florence Nightengale? Because, you know, she CURED things. She was always HELPING OUT and she FIXED STUFF that was broken.
    You could call her Flo for short. And that's funny cuz the glue just FLOWS right out... haha! (Was that a stretch?) She looks like a cute little flo, doesn't she?

    And by the way, my daughter's in utero nickname was Cletus, too. (You know, Cletus the Fetus?) So basically your belly and my belly were BOTH cletus. How's that for serendipitous?

  15. I'm going with Jules . . . Cause I love CT!

  16. Ethel? As in the type of glue sticks most often used in glue guns (Ethylene-vinyl acetate) information courtesy of "Hot-Melt Adhesive" wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_melt_adhesive

  17. You could also spell that Ethyl I gues to be more spot on?

  18. how about rosie? as in 'the riveter?' as in 'we can do it!' :)


  19. I was thinking along the lines of Burnette or Burnetta for all the burns our sweet little fingers get when we use it. Good luck

  20. oooh how about Li'l Kim. well because she is small, hot and awesome ;) lol x

  21. OMG I name things too. There's Godfreed Gut (My ever growing beer belly), Bradley (my car), and Booger (my bf). Anyways, I was going to say Petunia, but then I saw that April had already said it.

    I mean if two people thinks she looks like a Petunia, she's probably a Petunia. HAHA

  22. I like Doris. Doesn't that just make you think of some sweet old lady that is making you hot chocolate from scratch with extra whip cream, also from scratch, while she lets you dig through her crafting supplies and make anything you want to fill up the little crafting hole in your heart? Doris can fix anything. Doris can do anything. Because Doris, my dear, is a glue gun.


  23. I love the musical Wicked, so how about Glinda the good glue gun. Ha ha so fun!!!! I love that you named your car too. I always have and they have all been girls. :)

  24. I would put your hot pink glue gun up against Cinderella's glass slipper any day..therefore, I would go with Pinkerella.

  25. I didn't read through everyone's post so not sure if anyone has thought of it yet but what came to mind was "Miss Fix It"

  26. She is pink- name her Sandra Dee! I think it's funny someone already said Rizzo! lol

  27. hmmmm ... i name things too! my dh thinks i'm nuts. but he can suck it. ;)

    june ... i think she's a june!

  28. Hottie McGee. I like to add McGee to everything. For example, my freshman 30 stomach was called fatty McGee.

  29. Do you use it??? It is soo clean! Mine is covered with glue hunks.

    Name: Mikey...Mike Holmes (Canadian) is our resident fixer. It can be for either boy or girl. You're modern!

  30. I vote "Bonnie"...because I've always dreamt of having a glue gun named after me. Really.

    Or Gluey McGluerton.

  31. Jezebel. Yeah. .. Jezebel. Obviously, being pink, it's a she. But she's got a wild side, she's sassy. Jezebel.

  32. I have to do it. I just have to. Her name should be...Pinkie! Duh!

  33. I thinnk it looks like a Vicki.... Not sure why. Just the fist name that popped into my head.

  34. She looks like a Norma to me.

  35. Gloria or Ginger. In my house we name all of our cars and the name has to start with the letter of the type of car :)

  36. Liz...not sure why, just thinks its cute...

  37. It's gotta be Barbie!
    She's girlie. She's got a perfect body. Everybody wants to be her best friend. :D

  38. I think she looks like "Sophie". not sure if its a curse but my husband's family can only produce male and finally after 21years of boys being born, my brother in-law finally was able to produce a girl they named her "Sophie" and she is always in Pink.

  39. I like Hot Stuff, she simply oooooozes that hot stuff.

  40. Strawberry Shortcake. Just looked at your glue gun and thought of that name :) Hope you find a good name for her :) There are so many great suggestions!

  41. Aggie. Then you could be Kim and Aggie! (Not that I think you spend your life cleaning other people's houses, I just couldn't think of another double act with a Kim in it)

  42. I think you should name it Kadence with a K because you're enamored with Ks. Either that of King of (hair) Crap.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Pinkie, after the painting by Thomas Lawrence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkie_%28Lawrence_painting%29 ). I've had that painting over my bed since I was elementary school (with a short break during high school and college, but she returned). I also like that the woman in the painting shares my name (Sarah) :-)

    Or maybe after a pink flower, like primrose or azalea.

  45. "Betsy"....that is what I named my car....That way you can say "whoa Betsy hold yer horses"...

  46. GiGi! (g g for glue gun! i call mine 'blister' for all the glue burns)

  47. Either Gertrude (what an awesome name) or Kim, after yourself

  48. Flamingo, Bubblgum or Rose...
    Nicole Timm

  49. How about Hilda? Sounds like a strapping, hard working name, doesn't it?

  50. Elvira because she's hot and mysterious :P

  51. hmmmm....I'm thinking you should name it....


    That way, you can say awesome things like...
    "Get em' foxy roxy"
    "You Rock Roxy!"
    you know...stuff like that.

  52. Gladys. Gladys Glue Gun. Yep... I like it.

  53. I think "sassy" would be good :)

  54. Sticky Sara? Hot Stuff? How about Gluey B. Gooey? :)

  55. We call my aunt Phyl, short for Phyllis. So you could still have her named "Phil" but the female version of "Phyl."

    Well she is a glue gun so you could have the female version of Elmer (like the school glue), Emma.

    She could also be Kay or Mary Kay because Mary Kay rewards their saleswomen with pink things that look like that.

  56. For some reason "Petunia" popped into my head. But perhaps that's because I'm sick of the frozen tundra SE Idaho is right now and am dreaming of spring and pretty flowers.


  57. You always wanted your name to be a dot back in the good old days so why not dot! And if not that I love Rizzo or Sandee! Grease is a flippin classic!

  58. Pinky Lee. Grease quote: "To you from me, Pinky Lee!" :)

  59. Felicia! (Must say it the way it is said on "The Mirror has Two Faces") It screams talent...of some sort!


  60. How about Annie? As in "Annie get your (glue) gun"

  61. I say Gertrude...Gertie for short.

  62. How about Peg? Short for pegamento, which is glue in Spanish. And it's also the name of the saucy dog in Lady and the Tramp. A saucy, gluey name, for a glue gun that will be making saucy, gluey projects :)

  63. Pink Ladies from Greese popped in my head, I love Sandra Dee or Rizzo or my personal favorite Frenchy!

  64. First thing that popped in my head was Roxanne...

    Then that song started playing in my head...

    "Roxanne, you don't have to turn on the red light"

  65. Audrey (as in Audrey Hepburn)...classy, feminine, and timeless. I just love her and something about your glue gun made me think of her :)

    BTW Your glue gun is much more attractive than my old beat up orange and blue contraption. I can't even imagine what kind of name would be appropriate for it.

  66. Tina...definitely Tina. :)

    My husband stole my cute little glue gun to do taxidermy work with!! YUK! Now, I'll have to get a new one...darn it. hee hee. :)


  67. I haven't read through all the comments so this may have already been posted, but I would go with Aggie. I've seen you abbreviate the blog AGAAGG and when I thought about that, Aggie popped in my head.

  68. Don't know why I came up as "anonymous". :( Something goofed when I tried to use my wordpress account. I'll try again...

  69. pink wand its pink and a wand does fix everything so her name should be PINK WAND lol love it

  70. sticky or sticky pink. how about hawt stick?

  71. I love everyone's ideas...so here's mine that needs no explanation.

    Little BFF

  72. Peggy...? She looks like a Peggy to me.

  73. My first thought was along the lines of Lula, Luella...something Lu. (Glue. Lu. I dunno.)

    Then I remembered you love K. So...maybe Kassandra? That's what my friend calls me when I'm being sassy. And pink glue guns are sassy. (And you could call her Kass for short.)

    That's all I've got. :)

  74. "Sonofa" because that's what you want to say every time she burns you.

  75. Gertie Glue Gun. I had a bus driver growin' up and her name was Gertie. She had no teeth. Now, I just think it's funny. :)

  76. What about Pinky... other than her literally being pink... you could be Pinky and the Brain!! :-D

  77. Glouise! Like louise but she is a glue gun so you gotta have the "glue" :)

  78. Natalia or Olga, I keep getting email from them asking me if I'd like to chat with them and possibly marry them...

  79. Talulah! Sounds like a great name for something pink and fabulous, if you ask me!

  80. Shirley - because surely it will get the job done!

  81. Penelope is the first name that came to mind.

  82. Hehehe I'm thinking Dr Ruth ... It can fix thing with a bit of hot :D

  83. LOL I was just thinking Dr Ruth! I was reading through all the entries to make sure it hadn't been taken just to find out it was taken by the person who commented just before me! Oh well!

    I also vote for Li'l Kim! That is hilarious!

  84. I vote for Burnie (I know a girl with that name)

  85. Aphrodite 'cause you LOVE her so much!!!!

  86. Louster. Becuase it has nothing to do with anything and it's fun to say. Say it. Louster.
    The first car I ever bought was Egon. I loved that car.

  87. Did you name her yet? How about Cleo? As in -Patra. Strong, able, and a little nuts.

  88. Ok sister...In honor of the girl we love to hate...the girl who stole our man...the girl who BURNED us because she stole Harrison...

    CALISTA...say it out loud...CAAALISSSSSTA...plus that's the sound it makes when it burns your fingers (I got a 2nd degree one 3 weeks ago that hasn't quite healed...)

    Or in honor of my Greekness...ροζ (pa-do-gg...soft "g" like in gigi)
    Gigi could work, too...

    Or if perhaps Swahili for pink? What is it? Say it with me....PINK.

  89. You often call your blog AGAAGG. What about using the "AGG" (a glue gun) to name her? Something like Aggatha perhaps? Just a thought... there are so many cute ideas already :)

  90. I now I'm late!! but i think her name is Bertha.. i dont know why lol

  91. oh oh.. or Stella...

    Stellaaaaaaaaaaaa Stellaaaaaaaa

  92. How about Pearlie, as in the cartoon on Qubo. She is always trying to fix things or put things back together.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.