

really...you know my ever growing obsession with ruffles..and now this...holy tomely.

scraps week....

I also really like the quiet book...I'm planning on doing one soon...(out of felt of course!) so it's always fun to see new ideas on pages!!!

they have narrowed it down to the top ten....
so cute...the feedsack dress is adorable too!

I had to add this whole blog to my bloglovin....every post is filled with the adorableness...
like this one

I'm going to have to get out martha  and start sewing!!!!

crafting with the stars is over.
(insert very sad face)

but I would like to do a special shoutout to my gal (not really mine..but we can pretend)

she won with this doozy

her old pantry door was a chalkboard door...

that she couldn't part with.

so she put it in her bathroom

she's awesome. glad to know that i'm not alone with my sense of humor....


  1. She looks like a Shirley to me.

  2. I am totally loving that skirt!!

  3. So I got this comment on my blog that they'd come from here, and I thought to myself,

    "Self, did Kimbo give me a shout out again? I'll bet she did. . . let's just see here. . . "

    And you did. You are my sister from another mother.

    Love your guts.

    (Yeah I stole that line. Sshh.)

  4. That skirt is tdf! And I might just put those bathroom sayings on my bathroom walls, they made me laugh!


  5. Just found your blog today and think it's ace!

    Will keep an eye on you lol :)

    Bee happy x

  6. Hehehe, love the messages on the chalk board door ;) And such an adorable little girl! Naww!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.