
i'm nesting

and no...I'm not trying to polietly tell you I'm pregnant (cause that ship has sailed!)

but I have been redoing my house....I had no plans to do this two weeks ago. I'm renting and have plans to move sometime in the near future....(cause we are outgrowing our house like nobody's business) so I wasn't going to do anything to my house until we move....and buy some new couches.

but then I went to joanns.

dun dun dun......

should have stayed my butt out.

but hey, that just wouldn't be me.

I found this fabric.

that I loved

and bought a yard..

cause it was on sale

I mean ...sale....so why not?

I could make an apron with it....

or something.

Then I got it home. and loved it more.

loved all the colors

and then....everything changed.

My curtains came down...and new ones were made

then I made some pillows

(with another trip to joanns)

the spray paint came out...and a LOT of things got covered.

I made a chalkboard frame (cause I have always wanted one)

and a new sewing machine cover for martha

and this was the only picture I took...so what i'm trying to say is no tutorial

and recovered the frame with left over fabric...

and then painted some side tables....

(full tutorial TOMORROW!)

and then when I had the paint out I touched up my baseboards and bathrooms

and redid a lamp (more on the later)

and recovered my starburst mirror

yes...a whole month later....

and rearranged some things...

(people's court)

(I did leave my family tree alone!)

AND THAT is the reason my recent craft posts completely suffered last week....

but now that i have a fresh place to start crafting

My old craft space (this is just a little corner in our living room...and I slowly started adding more and more craft things cause I got lazy hauling them up and down)

and a completely old before picture...

yes...that is *almost* every classic disney cartoon movie.
(my husband said...and I quote "you really need a craft room" and I will HOLD him to that!!!)
I told my husband to move his foot...so he's moving it..back and forth and up and down.

so now i'm ready to CREATE!!!!!!


  1. Wow. I'm impressed- you've crafted many fun things over such a short period of time. Can't wait to see some more pictures. I always wonder how everyone is so productive! Your craft space looks great!

  2. I can't believe how much you did! I'm so jealous, I wish I could come up with things to do around the house after finding a piece of fabric I love!! Way to go!!

  3. Wow!! You were very busy!! I loved it! Can't wait to see more pictures of your craft! :D

  4. I love the sewing machine cover, it looks so cute.....and hey I keep telling my husband that we need to move to a bigger place, my craft stuff is taking more and more space every time, he tells me I'm a hoarder, can you believe that? how dare him, right?!....Have a great week!

  5. I gotta say, I love just about everything about this. The color combination is terrific - that shade of blue makes it look fresh. And I can't wait to see the tutorial for the side tables, because I'm hooked on botanicals right now. Please don't tell me I need a Silhouette. That's not happening until my birthday. :-(

  6. Wow! Looks great! Love the blue and red colors! Looks so springy!

  7. athem - did you say something about that fabric and an apron - - http://craftedition.blogspot.com/2010/03/take-look-tuesday-matching-aprons.html

  8. That is awesome!! I love how all your inspiration came from one piece of fabric!!

  9. I really love the fabric you came home from Joann's I don't know if I could have walked away just with one yard.. maybe that's why I have a tub full of fabric.. maybe I should start a sewing project..

  10. Wow Kim, you are one busy woman! I love what you have done with everything! You really are amazing...but I don't like the whole moving thing! You know if you move you have to move somewhere in the ward....just saying!!!

  11. Very nice! I totally understand about changing your space. I find it brings revitalization. I still enjoy doing things, but when I redecorate it gives me even more oomph to do something. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the tables :)

  12. Lots of lovely ideas- you must be tired out! Good luck with the move, when it happens. Thank you for sharing photos of your beautiful home! I'm now in the mood to make some changes around this place!..

  13. Wow! That looks lovely!!! What a fun little craft space! :)

  14. OK- when I saw this post on my dashboard I immediately clicked. We should be blogging BFFs. I was just at the fabric store 2 days ago and saw this same fabric. I did what you did- loved it, had to have it, bought a yard (and a half) with absolutely no clue where it would end up. Unfortunately, I'm not as quick as you- so it's still in the Joann's bag- that may or may not have something to do with the croup going around my house. Love your husband's foot 'move'. Such a cute craft space, even if it isn't your own room.

  15. Next time you are in a redo mood--could ya do it at my house? just saying.... I am sick of my same ole same ole-but have no oomph to do anything about it! Love all the things you did!

  16. My craft table is a folding table too! My husbands aunt told me he was asking her about sewing tables so I'm crossing my fingers! You did a great job! I love spiffying things up- it doesn't all have to be new to make things feel fresh & new.

  17. Okay, you are TOO funny! I love that you write what we are thinking...like your "people's court". That's like the first thing I was trying to figure out - what was on tv. You crack me up!! I have a newborn and so when she wakes to nurse, I learned from the last baby not too get upset. I LOVE my sleep. So instead of getting frustrated (I know, I'm mean but who is EXCITED to get up to nurse?) I read your blog and love love love when there is more than one thing to read. So keep em' coming. Love your stuff and you. You are awesome. This year I'm trying to tackle making a BUNCH of the animal scarves for nieces and nephews. Our oldest has a TON of stuffed animals. I can't WAIT to use them this way. I think I may enjoy too much. ;)
    Thanks for being real and cool.

  18. WOW! You did a LOT and it all looks fantastic! Come and do up my house ;) Also, very random but I love the clock above your DVD cabinet, so cute!

  19. I love love love the lamp, especially the ruffled lamp shade. I almost bought ruffle fabric to make a shower curtain for my daughters room but I might just have to do it for a lamp shade somehow. Thanks for all the cute ideas. Anyway, I love all your ideas (been following for a couple of weeks), I also love your style ie crap. (p.s. so excited my name is in the running for your glue gun.) Whoo hoo!

  20. Wow, you did so much! Love the color combo! Everything looks great!

    Had to smile about your husband 'moving his foot'. That is exactly what mind would've done :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.