
shout outs

sorry that I didn't let anyone know that I included them in my OTHER girls with glue gun post...I was out of town all day at a wedding (that ended with getting pulled over at 11:30 at night and getting a ticket. awesome) (My husband..not me...my driving record is CLEAN!)

anyways...I think my shout outs are here to stay

but you still have a day left to vote if you HATE it!

now ....let's get onto the SHOW~

bugaboo, mini, mr, and me.

love these stay put bookmarks (which I found using her widget at the bottom of her post!)
for some reason I don't think they will look the same on an old beaten up paperback copy like ANY of Mary Higgins clark books...

in other related thing that kim is making...

this t-shirt necklace.....by far my favoritest one I have seen around!!!!

very much love these state pillows....and idaho especially!
(these are for sale fyi!)

i think this desk is a work of art! how fun and inspirational!!!

love this door draft stopper..a woman after my own heart!!!

becki is amazing..and I especially love her new idea
an idea redone 5 ways (from around bloggertown)
the first one was magnets! so cute...all of them!!!

this lamp is awesome...also loving the blue and green!

these buttons are the cutest thing. I'll take one in every kind.
(button maker is going on the birthday list)

love this bright laundry room!
annddd this nursery

she painted this cute wall from her fabric

(just like what's in one my sponsers
such a cute idea!!!!!!
I would love to see this one recreated on a wall

this little rings are especially adorable!

and these leather necklaces too....(for sale!)

and I love these kitchen cutout pictures!


  1. Some very great ideas! (especially the first two...) ;)

  2. That nursery! That totosie roll draft stopper! The laundry room! Aghh! All so wonderful!

  3. Thanks for the feature!! Lots of cute stuff around here. :)

    Visit me at the-willow-bee.blogspot.com!

  4. thanks so much for featuring me!this is a first for me and by blog! sooo exciting! thanks again!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.