
shout outs from linky party!

Thanks so much for to all the people who showed off all their hair crap! They were allllllllllll so freakin cute.  I hardly consider it CRAP! just want to shout out to some of my FAVS! (make sure to go over there and check them all out if you missed any...cause seriously..this is just a light dusting of the wonderment.

you seriously made that?
and this one

dang you crochetersss.

loving the little feathers!

she made this headband holder....using buttons. so cute!

this is an etsy shop! and it's oh so cute!

LACE! I didn't make one hair band with lace. got to heat up the glue gun....

sugar bee craft edition.

want super curly hair...go see how! (she also linked up a bunch of other great stuff! so make sure to check them out!) (okay..so my daughter spent her saturday looking like this..and we took them out and whew ! CURL CITY!)

 so fun!

you see this sweet little bow? you should see how she made it. talk about a pro. sure beats the heck out of 3 drops of hot glue!

bugaboo, mimi,mr. and me

she linked up a ton of great ones too...!

i love everything about this one...strips..color...beads.

the silver makes me want to go party!

miss bossy pants

that loved she turned her hair crap into valentines presents!

she calls these...hair bow art..and I have to agree!!!

this is so clever..i never would have thought of this! go see how she makes this!

stay at home artist

these colors are a dream together! love it.

funky polka dot giraffe

this girl is tooo much! you need to check out all her hair crap! it's amazing!
she's got one for (i think) every holiday....

so sweet! loving everything about it!

thanks again to everyone...!


  1. These are beautiful. Everyone is so talented

  2. Thanks for the shout out!!!! I loved your hair crap posts (and I especially loved your hair crap button - too funny!)

    I'm so honoured to be featured!!!! :)

  3. Thanks for the shout out!! You rock it! Uhhhhh crocheting is not as hard as avoiding hot glue burns....which I get....all the time.

  4. Thanks for the feature!

    LOVE the pumpkin clippy and the rainbow clip! All of the hair do-dads are darling!

  5. This was such a fun party, I got all kinds of good ideas. Thanks for the feature!

  6. Thanks Kimbo! So many fun ideas were linked up, I have lots more hair crap to make. :) I appreciate the shout out.

  7. OMG!!! I am honored that mine was a favorite! WOOOOHOOOO!

  8. Thank you so much for featuring Frilly Lily Boutique. You are awesome.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.