
for you menu boards lover...

I know you guys have been busy making menu boards...and some are having a hard time finding the clear calendars. and I told you about the link at oriental trading...but you have to buy a ton of them.

but anonymous has told me that you can find some here. they are a little more expensive....but if you don't want to be stuck with 12 calendars it might be just what you want!!!!

thank you anonymous...

p.s...simon....is that you?


  1. question - why would you want 1 of something for 10 cents less than 16 of the same item? You can take the extras and make gifts with them.

  2. I agree. Done right this could make a great gift.

  3. I love these boards, I saw it mentioned before that you were going to sell them. Are you still making them for profit? If so, let me know, I would love to place an order.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.