
the most awesomest (it's a word) blanket ever.

I feel in mad deep love with this blanket by made. (click HERE)

and my husband  said that a guy at work was having a baby (not him...his wife....boys can't have babies silly...)

and I thought..perfect excuse to make 'said' blanket.

went and bought some fabric....
guess where I got it...just guess?!

and you should have saw me at joanns....I just COULDN'T decide. you would think I was making the most important desicion of my life..

sidenote...I can never make desisions.
I don't eat at new restraunts cause I can't ever decide what to get.

and you should see me hem and haw over paint colors.

but I digress....
I laid out my three back layers. (blue was bottom--green was top)

then I took the front side and added a g (the baby name is grayson...(just like small eyes)

cut out a g

cut out a circle...like a professional does it. (a non etched bowl)

pin on

sew it up

then sew on the circle...

then I took my top layer and added my bottom layers (remember..if you want the REAL tutorial head over to made. cause this is just a light dusting...)

sidenote: I did not glue mine down like she did...just pinned. worked just fine...but her blanket was bigger than mine (I just did a yard)

and then...
I started to sew.

and sew

and sew

then changed a diaper..
then sewed some more

and took an oreo break
and then sewed

then snagged myself on a pin...
buzz lightyear to the rescue...literally.

oh...then I sewed some more (notice the pictures are getting darker...cause it's getting later and later and later..

sonofa .....

took a trip to walmart.
(don't you love the massacred barbie...)

then  I sewed some more.


it was so pretty...all those straight lines...I was tempted to keep it just like that....but I had pretty fabric sandwiched in betwwen...soooo


then I started cutting....

and cutting

oh...and then I cut somemore.

fetching A this blanket sucks!
(I watched the last airbender with my kids while i did it....and did not finish..so it took longer than an hour and a half to cut...)

crap. finally. my hands are all gnarled and I have a charlie horse in my cankle.

took my fancy see through ruler and my mat (thanks mom)
and took my pink cutter (thanks hayley)
and trimmed the edges.

crap...more sewing.

had to sew on the binding...that I have no picture for..but it was soft and fuzzy and horrible to sew cause it was sooooo thick...

but i got it done..

and then comes the best part..
soak it with water and toss it in the dryer.

want to pee my pants in excitement......

AND I have to tell you..when I pulled it out of the dryer...I forgot about the 42 hours (exaggeration) that I spent making this stupid blanket.

I love it.

I adore it
I don't want to give it away.

grayson is darn lucky that I stuck a g on it...cause that was the only thing that got it out of my death grip.

I should have bought him some pampers and kept myself the blanket!!!!

I officially named it...

one more shot of the back

omigosh I love it.

now...I feel like this should count as 4 blog posts because it took me probably 32 times longer to make than any other thing on here!!!!

(plese note...that I took these pictures outside yesterday. my daughter jumped on the tramp...the snow was *almost melted....

woke up to this today.

with a two hour delay for school.

idaho blows.


  1. Yours turned out AMAZING!
    Stop by and see the one I made for my hubby!

  2. I've been looking for something to make for some expectant Mommies I know... I'll put this in my "To make someday" folder. I really enjoy your site, by the way.

  3. My mom made two such blankets for my kids when they were babies. Despite the work, they are totally awesome. Really.

    Btw, I've seen an Olfa cutter on Running with Scissors that makes the whole cutting thing a ton easier. If you really get hooked making these, it would be worth the investment. :)

  4. freak i love that blanket that never ends!!!

  5. I'm in love with it! Too bad, I can't sew... hahaha

  6. The blanket that never ends! I love it.

  7. Oh my gosh girl...you done good! I have been eyeing this blanket too and am for sure making it soon. Thanks for sharing this cute post!

  8. absolutely FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!! Wish I were brave enough to attempt that! ;)

  9. Love your blanket and love your post!! Too often I start a project that never ends. But isn't the finished blanket awesome!!


  10. Oh, my gosh! That's gorgeous. Thanks for drawing my attention to that tutorial. I usually ignore blanket tutorials because I think they'll be too hard for me... but I may have to attempt this one anyway.

  11. I've seen that blanket before and LOVE the idea just don't quite want to try and make one right now... Looks awesome!!!

  12. I FEEL your pain!! I saw the post on MADE and went home to make it and I have officially decided that it's the DEVIL!! :) It's sooo cute, but I sewed all the lines (that took like 2 1/2-3 hours) THEN when I decided to cut it, I cut a MILLION holes through the top layer, it's soooo hard to cut with the glue still on it?? Did you have that problem, or did you wash it first?? I dunno... anyway, I had to go buy more fabric to patch the holes on top, and now it's literally sat there for the last three weeks because I'm so mad at it, I just don't want to look at it anymore!! But I LOVE yours!! :)

  13. best baby blanket ever! You are so talented!

    I need to make one just like it.

  14. Super cute! Love the colors. I used that same concept in my pillow. http://amerooniedesigns.blogspot.com/2011/01/faux-chenille-valentine-pillow.html
    A MUCH smaller design, so it wouldn't take so long- cuz I'm lazy like that. ;)

  15. the blanket is adorable!!! and you crack me up lol :o)

  16. I love that blanket, but I know if I made one, I would never give it away, and my husband would complain about all the blankets we have (my mother in law quilts and makes cute quilts for my kids, and my mom is obsessed with making the no sew fleece blankets, which barely take time at all so I don't feel so bad when I have to give away a blanket) The colors are awesome! Oh, and I don't think I could make one anyway, I made my son a quilt before he was born, super cute with dinosaurs on it, yeah, it took me hours to finish. Anything that takes more then 60 minutes is not worth it to me, sad, huh?

  17. that's in my to-do list! I know it's going to be a ton of work...... but the cuteness factor reigns!!

  18. I made a faux chenille blanket earlier this year and halfway through cutting the lines, I SWORE I would never make another one! Then I pulled it out of the dryer and it was love. I already have the materials for another one. I LOVE how you intialled it! I think I might do that to my next one. I used flannel and satin blanket binding.

  19. BEST BABY BLANKET ever! The back rocks!!
    What kind of material did you use? Please add this to my linky party today!

  20. OH MY WORD, that is the cutest thing EVER! I love it. Man, I really want to bust out my sewing machine now.

  21. first of all, L-O-V-E the blanket, its fabulous
    but also, WE HAVE THE SAME FABRIC SCISSORS!! twinsies :)

  22. I love this blanket!! And you picked out the cutest fabric!! :)

  23. Looks like a bucketload of work, but dang it turned out cute. I would have wanted to keep it too. :)

  24. really cute! I made one too for my niece, you can check it out here


  25. WOW!! That is too stinking cute!! And a whole lot of work! Good job girlie!!

  26. all I have to say is that you are frickin' hilarious!! If we lived closer, I bet we would be great friends....but I'd love to be a friend through your blog...keep the funnies coming, please!!

  27. OOoooh *squeals with delight* I've got such a huge stash of fabric that needs to be used before I can buy any more - perfect project for that!
    And PS Woke up to the same thing in PA. I'd say I hate winter, but I'd be lying. The snow/ice/cold just gets old after a while.

  28. SO AMAZINGLY beautiful! Awesome job!

    Wisconsin sucks too... just so you know :)

  29. That is freakin awesome! I wish Idaho wasn't so dang far or I'd totally have you give me some crafting lessons! Love the blanket, I'm still hoping to find time to make the Batman mat!

  30. Am I the only one that noticed the odd picture of the two guys golfing?? LOL What's up with that?

  31. My friend made one using extra coordinating receiving blankets that she just had laying around because like me I had TONS! I think I'm going to pull some out and make one for my pregnant friend! Thanks for the motivation and instructions!

  32. I am seriously laughing! I wondered how it would go to sew that many lines and then cut it too, it sounds like it would go about like I thought it would ;)

  33. I LOVE the blanket! Um....did Barbie make it?! Is she ok? Maimed for life?! Hehehehe! Your post made me crack up..I felt like you had taken the commentary straight from my mouth as I sew! My Gramma has made our family so many blankets, I have lost count. Every baby gets one at birth, and then every few years they get another one. When we got married she made us one. Now that I have been handed the mantle of Gramma-hood, I feel obliged to make blankets for the grands. This is definitely one to make soon! Thanks for keepin' it real!

  34. Hilarious post! Love the blanket but the post even more. You're funny!

  35. Oh MY Gosh! Love this blanket..... and I LOVE your blog, I am literally laughing out loud at you! I totally wanna try this blanket! Thanks for putting a smile on my face and a giving me a good laugh!


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