
I might throw up hair crap....

so....I have done so many hair stuff..i might never wear a headband again (not true)

but I'm not done....still had a whole list....so i'm just going to post them quickly in pictures and hopefully you get the idea......

I love going down the trim aisle at JOanns...you can find some awesome things for hair crap...

this yellow is a box ruffle..

and just some pink trim left over from my daughter's pillow

I also made one from tulle...just a bunch of circles bunched up and hot glued together

I also started to make some fabric ones that involve sewing  (or hot gluing)
strips of fabric in half

and then gathering them into a circle

and I have all these...about half made...and don't know what I would do with them if/when I finish them....just love the color scheme...

three separate trips to joanns (and I think walmart)....and I ended up with these:

I am subconsciously digging this flower look!

and some old ones......
remember my" I have no time to make headband cause it's christmas eve..hence diy headbands?"

and also my thin ribbon bows?

and these little baby headband I made?

so when I posted my braided headbands..my sister thought "perfect" and went to joanns (so proud)....and bought 5 different kinds of fabrics and started mass producing them!

a woman after my own heart!

Also...crafterholics had a bow link up party...so go check out all the great bow ideas that are over there!!!!
(go here!)

also...thanks for linking up to my link party! it was so fun! I visited them all...and love love love them all! you guys are so creative! if I wasn't sick to death of hair crap I would make some more!!
I'll be showing off my favs on sunday!!!!


  1. My kids at the dance studio would love to wear these!

  2. Love, love, love it all. I posted my tutorial (all for you)...you look like you need some grapes in your life. :)

  3. hair decor overload?? sounds like it could be giveaway time..... :)

  4. that would be awesome to have giveaway!! i have yet to figure out how to make hairbows and the more my hubby tells me i am not a kid and shouldnt be wearing them the more i want to make!!! lol one day my fingers will figure it out!!

  5. I love the first one so much I think I may need to do something like that for my nieces for Easter

  6. I love the pink tulle! How pretty! You seriously come up with the most awesome things.

  7. I love the polka dots! Thanks for visiting my bog too!

  8. I've really enjoyed all the hair crap. Gave me some great ideas! Thanks!

  9. You are my idol! LOL Come check out my Facebook boutique! http://www.facebook.com/5AngelsBoutique

  10. So many hair crap ideas!! Wish I had more heads to wear them! ;)

  11. OMG all that stuff you don't know what to do with - but love the color scheme of - is SCREAMING "MAKE A HAT AND PUT ME ON IT!"

  12. I love the way you "narrate" your crafts. it's not only highly entertaining its also informative. I've made a knitted braided hair band before. it turned out pretty cool but it makes your hair look all funky so I'll have to figure out a way to make it better.

  13. I love your flowers!! How can I create a blog site like yours where I can post my flowers?


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.