
it's competition time...

tis the season to craft your heart out...and then enter it into a competition...

first up is my love....sytyc (upcycled week.....so my niche.)
my top three

go HERE to vote

and if you are tight with me on facebook...you know about this one:

adorable little outfits!
for reals

go vote HERE
and crafting with the stars has started. and crap.
I could not vote for ONE thing. It was all crap.
I honestly could not vote for one thing..cause I could not decide.
all were to die for cute
just showing you this one...cause I just picked up a lamp at the di and I it has a 95% chance of looking just like this. adore. go check it out. (luckily you can vote for 3~)
go HERE to vote

and omigosh we are not done yet...
(told you)

i've blogged about this one before...
but the outfits this time around
I saved all these pictures and put them into my
"if I every sell my soul to the devil in trade of extra hours in my day and have time to make this I will..."

how is fair that this little girl is more stylish than me.?


are you overwhelmed?


do you want to join a competition?

A Craft A Day

a craft a day just started a new one...and you can link up.
make an outfit out of thrift store finds or your hoarding piles

so it should be relatively free....(well, minus time!)
so get sewing so you can link it up cause friday is the last day to join!  go HERE to link up !

p.s......who are loving these two as judges?



  1. I love the craft contests, just great ideas.

    As for the judges, I LOVE them!! Steven Tyler totally makes the show now. He is so funny to me. He kind of takes away of making fun of the people who can't sing thing.

  2. crafty contests are my new passion
    spending way too much time lookin at them all
    the new judges also rock my socks off!!

  3. Thanks for the comment on my heart satin clips! I just voted for your candle holder lamp. Genius!
    Oh, and I vowed to not watch AI this year b/c Simon left, but my husband convinced me to watch the first one...and I'm hooked again. :)
    Jamie @ backless shirt

  4. Should have read, ...voted for *the*, not your. I assume it's not yours since you put it in your top 3, that would be shameless self-promotion! ;)
    I need a coffee.............

  5. Thank for linking PTR up on your blog! And thanks for the comment on our blog! I feel honored that you stopped by and commented!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.