
do you like me?

Like really?

really really?

that is right people! I am joining the 21st century.

just wanted to support Mark Zuckerberg and add to the billions.

a girl and a glue gun has gone facebook!

click HERE to "like" me.
so far..I have no one...and I don't want to be the first to like myself.

that's would be just sad.


  1. Nice! I'll have to check it out. My blog has a facebook page as well and its been great so far. I think you will like it!

  2. Hey Kimbo! I'm "liking" you already! :) I just wanted to say I'm recommending you to friends over at my blog, please stop by and spread the word, it's a new blog and I'm just getting it all started! Happy new year!

  3. I like you! on your blog and on facebook!
    -Cate from Random Craft Georgia Girl

  4. It's sad to be the first one to like your own facebook page?? Dang. I think I overkilled it with my husband, sister in law, mom, dad, etc being the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th people to like it.

  5. Oh...I shamelessly liked myself first! HA! Heading there to LIKE you now! ~tai @ taidye original


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.