
a revision

dear husband

suck it.

(insert picture of an egg.....blogger won't let me load my pictures and I'm too afraid everyone is out there scratching their heads.)

and for the RECORD:

I am in no way ovulating...okay..I might be ovulating..I have no idea...CAuse we areDONE having kids. ACtually...we had one to many and looking to get rid of one. WE just can't decide which one

you see...our oldest is getting older...and she's going to be babysitting soon..

and our next one is a boy...our only one...so we have to keep him

and the baby--she's a pain...but we love her the most.

maybe we should roll the dice

gosh. you really think I would use my craft blog to announce to my husband to come and get busy.? okay...well I probably would if  he read it. 

next time I try to entice my husband to hither..I will use this picture

(insert a picture of a sperm)
  p.s...don't google sperm


  1. LOL - you totally cracked me up with the visions of googling sperm! I'll take your advice and not do that :)

  2. Thanks for the clarity. I totally thought you were ovulating. Please email mewith a big fat yes. Um that's a yes to slc not to ovulating.

    Love your eggs

  3. Haha, thanks for clearing that up!

  4. PMSL. Hilarious post. I go back to work today after the holidays (depressing or wot!) and this has totally cheered me up! x

  5. My computer is acting up BIG TIME~! Not sure what the problem is, I shall take a peek of it's inward settings and try and fix the problem.
    It's so frustrating~! I'm 66 years old and I'm definately not ovulating~! I had 4 children and now they are all grown up..I tell people I actually have 5 children ,,hubby is the 5th one.
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  6. Lmbo... if you find someone to give a kid to, let me know cause I have one up for grabs too!!

  7. Thanks for starting my day off with a giggle!

  8. *spitting coffee on monitor* - OMG you are so hilarious!

  9. Put 'em all on Ebay (husband too) and see who gets sold off first. That way it won't be left up to you to decide.

  10. You make me laugh - this is the best post EVER! I must admit I was thinking doing the baby dance as well!

  11. ha :) I am dying at work, and all my co-workers probably think I am manic. :) hehe Thanks for a good laugh on my 4th "Monday" this week. It's been a long, long week for me.
    Beth :)

  12. Thanks for that laugh this morning - always great to start my day with agaagg email, especially since we have the same sense of humor (frightening!) :)

  13. There's always one person who does exactly what they're told not to....and yep, that's me to a tee! I googled it and *drum roll please* there are About 23,200,000 results (0.08 seconds) LOL I saw the original post you'd done over on Randum Fancy's blog, and couldn't help but come on over and see what it really was all about, if not ovulation! Hugs Naomi


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.