
crocheted hair thing......

(I won't call this crap...cause it's too cute to be crap...)

so. i'm not a crocheter.....(but I think i'm going to learn)

anyways...my sister showed up at christmas wearing the cutest Headband (more like earwarmer)

this obviously is not my sister.....but isn't this little girl the cutest!

she got them HERE and after perusing etsy..I noticed that hers are the best priced...not to mention the fact that MOST on etsy are just instructions.....

anyways...just a shout out  for the crocheted headbands.....they are too cute and if you know how to crochet..go for it!!!!


  1. Super Duper cute...checking them out now!
    Here is another thing you might want to look into if you sew at all.
    her blog is awesome!

  2. So cute! I also sell crocheted headbands on etsy. Check it out!

  3. I just saw someone wearing something similiar to the first one tonight and had to quiz them down about it - loved it!

  4. Those are sp cute! I am totally gonna try to make those, I just started crocheting! TFS!

  5. I just started crocheting and the only thing I'm any good at so far are diaper covers! I might need to track down a pattern for these! They're super cute!

  6. I sell crochet things on etsy. I'm just starting my shop so there's not a ton on there but if there's anything anyone wants I can make it :)


  7. If you learn to crochet anytime soon, I have a free pattern on my blog for a headwarmer like the first pic. daperfectmix.blogspot.com

  8. I have a black one of these laying around the house that I made last November. Want it? I'll totally send it to you if you do! It has silver thread woven through it!


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