
wrap it up...

I cringe when I see a walmart bag used as wrapping paper. CRINGE! I love wrapping it all up cute with a bow. It just makes you want to rip it open even faster...cause you know if the wrapping is awesome....the presents is going to be even awesomer!~ (okay..I'm not a ripper......I  gently unstick the tape and fold up the wrapping paper and save it...)

So here are a few ideas:

use your surroundings..I picked up some leaves off my lawn to help decorate this present for my husband

and remember when I used a girls hair bow to top off a present? perfect for a little girl present!

I bought this unfinished tablet to add to my Do you doodle? present.

and it came in this little brown bag...so I just cut it open wide

and used a christmas stamp

and stamped it up..

Then wrapped it up and tied it with twine. 

(I actually save all my paper bags....our local scrapbook stores have cute ones)

my sister in law LOVES stephanie Plum..I have been scouting out all thrift store to buy them for her for christmas...(are you morelli or ranger?)

just open up the sack and wrap normal.

the handles..I unraveled them and made a bow...

and you remember this from I am momma hear me roar:

how cute would this look on a present...tie the belt around...or just hot glue a pin on it so you can use it however you want!..

and remember the hair bow I made

you could throw this on top of a present! it would be perfect!

A doily is also a cute little embellishment:
I just glued it on with a glue stick!

We also had played bingo with all the kids for thanksgiving...and I had a bunch of prizes left over...so I slapped them on some presents!

a prize before the present!!!

you can print off these free downloadable tags to put on your homemade stuff...cause you know it's so cute..people won't know it was handmade unless you tell them

click HERE to take you there

Ucreate is giving a free printable once a month...this month is: GIFT TAGS (of course!)

and remember:
she has got a great amount of christmas stuff in her etsy!

or how about some pom poms?

made shows you how...

what a great way to wrap your presents...just strips of book pages.

what a cute way to take your neighbors some goodies!

or you could get the kids involved...helping little hands decorated some butcher paper with cookie cutters and paint...so cute!

the gaines gang

look how adorable this is all wrapped up! love it!

and I don't know about you..but gift cards are my fall back. I spend the whole time looking for something perfect..and if I don't find it...I buy a gift certificate..but that doesn't mean you can't make them pretty!

i love this idea from Make it and love it the only reason I hate giving gift cards is cause I feel like it's the no thought gift (even though its not true!) but if you put it in one of these little things..how could you not think that some time and effort went into it!

and if you don't have a bow...make one using a cupcake liner:

and look how ADORABLE these are! Almost to cute to unwrap...from  two shades of pink oh...and this one too:

too cute for words!!!

and I ahve NO IDEA where I got this pciture from...but I love the tie that wraps up that present! You all know I have an endless supply of ugly ties!

found these little treats on sassy sites

and  by the infamous Martha Stewart


  1. Love this post! I am always looking for new ways to add some flair to gifts! I'm buying up Christmas lights after Christmas this year and using that idea next year. Thanks for the fun ideas!

  2. Thats a lot of ideas...thanks for the inspiration!

  3. THank you for sharing all these amazing ideas. P.S. the tie wrapping was from my site, but I can't take credit for it...I googled it. : )

  4. RANGER!! The steamy all dark and dangerous Ranger all the way. I looooove Stephanie Plum. Actually a girlfriend and I have been racing to the bookstore the last 6 years at each new book release to take a picture and send it to the other with the caption "i got it first"


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.