
DIY headbands

So when I posted about finding all that fabric meant for Christmas table runners....Mandy, (at sugar bee craft edition ...she's awesome by the way...kinda love her) left me a comment saying, "give them the table runners "as is" and tell them it's a "kit" because you want them to have the fun of creating..... "

which I thought it was genius! but only one of the people on my list had a sewing machine...(and twins..so basically no time) so I used the same idea in ANOTHER way...

DIY headbands...

and yes....I could have made the packaging a lot cuter...but it's Christmas eve people...take it or leave it.

I just threw in a bunch of stuff ribbons, flowers, buttons, tulle, feathers. and of course some headbands...
(glue sticks too!)

I later threw in some alligator clips and pieces of felt. I basically was just going through my craft area and putting stuff in...

and that's it.

easiest present ever....

hopefully something spectacular can be made...just not by me!

(ALSO, if you are thinking about doing this....and not at the very last possible moment...it would be cute to include some pictures of other headbands for ideas...

Like some of these..

from whippy cake (who I now love...) or is it whom...whom I love...who I love..whatev.
 or like these from bando

pretty freaking...awesome...and expensive.

or what about this:

or like these:

or this cute button one

or these awesome rosettes from Andi Adams (she's got that cute little button on my sidebar....do you see it?)

 but maybe not so much these....

and yes, with the time I just wasted collecting allllll these cute headbands ideas...I could have made a pie, painted my finger nails and played a game of candyland. (and decorated the diy headbands bag waaay cuter...)  don't judge me.

(okay..maybe not a pie..I don't even like pie....but def could've painted the nails and played the game!)

and nothing to do with headbands....
p.s. did you see these cute stocking holders made by mandy?

dang cute right?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out - and hilarious, because I've given headband kits away before (the button kind - but I love that yours have a variety of options!) - - and how about those enormous headbands for kids - yikes.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.