
really people?

I was at shopko yesterday...and turned down the christmas aisle to the next aisle....and saw valentines day crap. what? really people? I don't know who is in charge of this crap but I am starting a petition (aka comments) It should be a law to not be able to put out holiday stuff until the certain holiday is OVER. do you hear me people. Let us get through the stress of Christmas before we move onto Valentines day...OkAY!?

okay..I know what I just said...but these are ADORABLE...and really..you could use these as christmas presents..

In other news, thanks for the comments. I feel stressed and then I hear about some people going into labor...or your ginormous lists...makes me feel better about my to do....

I find another project I WAS going to do....

like 7 Christmas table runners I was going to do for the girls in my life....



  1. give them the table runners "as is" and tell them it's a "kit" because you want them to have the fun of creating.....

  2. i hear you! thats how i feel about christmas when they start setting up before halloween!!!

  3. I like Mandy's idea. Unless of course they aren't sewers themselves.

  4. Even worse...I saw an Easter candy display at the grocery store.

  5. i totally agree. I mean who wants to buy valentine's stuff in December, but if you don't then it will be gone when you're really ready for it.

  6. I love Mandy's idea. I'd love to see the faces that my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law (so NOT sewers) if I give them a bunch of pieces of fabric with a big ol' tag that reads "Good luck!"

    Since I'm simply not going to have everything done in time, I'm focusing on kids gifts first. For other people I'm using some jewelry sized present boxes from the $1 store and inside I'm tucking a swatch of their gift's fabric with a cute IOU _____(mommy and me aprons, purse, knitting needle rollup, etc -CRAP I've still got a lot to do!) note. Belated gifts will be an excellent reason to catch up with everyone after the holiday dusts settles in January.


  7. I oh so know what you mean!!! Try this one on for size.... last week I am walking through Hobby Lobby and notice they are moving all the Christmas stuff to the front right section of the store (seasonal clearance area!!) Do you know what they were putting out? Spring gardening stuff!!! I mean we have snow on the ground its almost 2 (TWO) weeks before Christmas and the spring/garden decor is being put out!! What is up with that?!?

    I know what you mean about the unfinished Christmas presents... I look at it as a good start for next year's presents. At least we do have something for everyone so they won't know the difference! :)

  8. I agree, no valentines stuff til December is over!!

  9. I was just ranting about this *out loud* at Target a couple of days ago. Seriously, I can't even think beyond tomorrow at this point. Oh, and I have a few projects that might not make it this year. I'm most certainly bummed about it - but there are a couple of days left, right? :)

  10. Does this rule apply to other holidays? Halloween is almost getting skipped over in favor of Christmas, and Thanksgiving doesn't even exist now!

    As for the to-do list, please consider yourself very accomplished! I had a written list of things I would like to do and I didn't get a chance to do any of them!

  11. I was at Target today buying a Christmas card for my grandchildren and OH MY GOODNESS~ there were Valentine cards.. And in a asile all by itself were Valentine candy and hearts of all sizes.. Yikes~! Give me a break....
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  12. I'm afraid to go to Michael's...they're bound to have both Valentines AND spring stuff.

    I still haven't started the jammies and nightie for my grandkids...and I picked a simple pattern, which considering they're both under 4 means they're not big at all. Their teepee for the spring (2010) is still unfinished (I'm blaming that on the pattern itself, the top edge is designed strangely).

    Merry Christmas!

  13. oohhh forgot....if they're not sewers...glue sticks! (it could work)

  14. You could do the IOU gift but I try so hard not to do that as I might still owe my mom 2 gifts from last Christmas.
    They put out holiday stuff earlier and earlier so that people have a longer buying season I guess. I think that it just seems that we are just rushing through life though. In a hurry to get to the next thing and not enjoying what is currently going on.

  15. At least let Christmas pass first!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.