
Glue gun burn

omigosh....number 20 was a doozy...
it's like a candy cane shape....freakin hurt!

almost made me change my name to a girl and a some non plugged in craft items.....


  1. Ouch I'm sorry. Take care!

  2. A couple weeks ago Ben put his finger on the hot burner.. Not sure why but he did.. HE was yipping big time and tears were running.. I had read if you soak the burn with Lavender essensial oil it will take out the burn.. We did that and Ben had imediate relief.. If you don't have that~ keep a freezing cold cloth on the burn..ice cube in a tea towel works..
    Sorry you burned yourself.. That hurts so bad...
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  3. Yowza! Was using my mom's glue gun this week and its SUPER hot, even the glue was burning my fingers! I feel for ya!

  4. Oh my gosh I burnt mine very badly last month! Many words came out of my mouth that I'm not proud of and now I have a large scar :(

  5. Ouch so sorry how about A Girl and Some Popsicle sticks. That was my son's suggestion when I read this post.

  6. You can't quit on us! How about, "A Girl Who is Now Freaking Careful with her Glue Gun."

  7. A girl and an oven mitt. Ouch. hope it heals fast.

  8. it reminds me of the episode of Martha Stewart when she said she always has a bowl of ice water nearby when working with a glue gun. She said "you don't want to put your burn in your mouth, because your mouth will get burned and then you'll say naughty words!" I was laughing so hard!
    Sorry about your burn, owie, owie, owie!

  9. That really hurts I have totally done that very same thing. Bummer i'm sorry

  10. I have one right now almost that big, its like a hole in my skin cause it took off several layers. I touched the metal part on the glue gun to my arm. Ouchy!! I need a lower temp one.

  11. I actually burned my leg so badly a few months ago I had to go to the emergency room! Yes, the ER for a glue gun burn. I felt really dumb telling the doctor what had happened. I was making a headband and dropped a freshly glued rosette directly onto my leg (I was sitting on the floor in shorts). It was midnight, my 2 year old daughter was asleep,and my husband was traveling for work. It didn't even look like a burn...it was actually bleeding. GLUE GUNS ARE DANGEROUS! My husband says I'm not permitted to glue gun when he isn't home!

  12. Sorry to hear that. I have the low-temp gun and discovered you actually end up burning yourself more (although not by grabbing hold of the gun, thankfully) because it creates so many strings you try to get rid of and in turn end up with molten glue on your fingers... Can't win!

  13. Glue gun burn tip - IF its a minor burn, no cut, no bleeding, and not near a mucus membrane (lip, eye, etc) RIGHT when it happens, put bleach on it. Yes, clorox. works wonders, prevents blisters, takes away the pain. I learned the bleach on minor burns trick from a chemist and tried it out on my younger sister before using it myself. (horrible, I know, but I was like 11) Three thumbs up for results.

    Any tips for someone who scrubbed the bathroom tile so hard she now has no finger skin left?

  14. PS of course feel better!!!


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